openHPSDR 3.4.9 on Linux Mint 21.1 and LMDE5

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openHPSDR 3.4.9 on Linux Mint 21.1 and LMDE5

Postby w8er » Sat May 27, 2023 5:09 pm

Like many others, I have oft wished for a nice Anan client that would run on Linux. I am running an Anan 10e with Protocol 1 firmware, barely an Anan, but none the less a beautiful rig! Yesterday, I began playing at introducing openHPSDR 3.4.9 to Linux Mint Cinnamon 21.1 using Wine 8.01. To my surprise, they played nice together!

The only issue that I ran into was that the User folder, that contains the database, needed to have it's permissions changed to allow openHPSDR write permission to allow it to save configuration changes.

Home/userid/.wine/drive_c/users/userid/AppData/Roaming/FlexRadio Systems/PowerSDR mRX PS/database.xml Permissions must be changed to Read and Write for the file and the folder.

I later tried it on LMDE5 and the install was exactly the same and worked just perfect!

I also tried Thetis and it complained about .Net 4.8 not being installed and the installation died.

I used it on the air this morning to chat with the coffee guys! The move to eliminate Windows here is chugging ahead! It's not Thetis but it's miles ahead of the competition and more than acceptable!

--Larry W8ER
Posts: 23
Joined: Tue Apr 11, 2017 12:26 am

Re: openHPSDR 3.4.9 on Linux Mint 21.1 and LMDE5

Postby Cosmo1stgen » Wed Jun 21, 2023 12:25 am

I am glad to see you got this to work with under linux with wine! I have always wondered never bothered to try. I bet with wine tricks you could get .net 4.8 installed and use thetis too.
I only use linux now here for some time now. I use all native linux apps for hpsdr/anan radio’s on protocol 2. There are some advantages. I use js8call, fldigi, freedv all on receiver 1 all fed virtual audio feeds at the same time and ssb mostly on receiver 2. I run pihpsdr setup for full screen. This is dl1ycf version of pihpsdr which has a ton of features. I use carla daw for eq/compression and mic/radio selection and regularly do essb. Use cqrlog for logging. All of this talks to each other via hamlib and is seamless. I can change frequency and mode from the digital mode software or the sdr software like your typical cat control. I ran mint for a long time then switched to kubuntu a little arch and plain debian but went back to mint. It is the easiest to setup and just plain works. Hopefully you can get the whole shack setup on linux! Good luck! You can see my setup on qrz.

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