VOX vs N1MM voicekeyer question

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VOX vs N1MM voicekeyer question

Postby G1XOW » Mon Oct 03, 2022 5:57 pm


I do a lot of HF contesting but only recently wanted to have the ability to use the voicekeyer function of N1MM for automated CQ calls.

The problem I'm facing is that I am unable to use the VOX function of Thetis in conjunction with the voicekeyer of N1MM, I either get one audio stream or the other, i.e. either the voicekeyer works perfectly but no life from the Mic/VOX audio, or the Mic/VOX works fine but then nothing from the N1MM VAC input.

I have N1MM configured to hard key the radio via RTS on COM2, again works fine.

The radio is Anan 8000DLE with headset going to the PC and fed to the radio using VAC1
PC is Windows 11.
Internal Sound Blaster Audigy FX card.
Thetis 2.9.06

I've tried both Voicemeeter potato/banana and good old VAC but the same problem persists.

I'm probably missing something really obvious, but I just can't see how to get both audio streams spliced together and hitting the radio without resorting to external cable/mixer.

There must be an easier way surely? Am I missing a Thetis setting, or do I somehow need to create a double-loopback within voicemeeter maybe? Can't get my head around it (=chemo brain).

Any help much appreciated.

Steve G1XOW
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Re: VOX vs N1MM voicekeyer question

Postby w-u-2-o » Mon Oct 03, 2022 7:41 pm

You don't want to use VOX to have N1MM key the radio.

Set up N1MM as shown here so that it will use CAT keying: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4065

Set up Voicemeeter so that your mic is on hardware input 1 and is routed to whichever virtual channel you have assigned to Thetis VAC1.

Set up Voicemeeter so that N1MM output goes into a second virtual channel and that virtual channel is also routed to the Thetis virtual channel.

(Hoping you don't need handholding on Voicemeeter setup... ;) )
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Re: VOX vs N1MM voicekeyer question

Postby W4ATL » Sun Feb 05, 2023 7:44 pm

In researching using VOX with N1MM I came across this thread, and I think you are confused about why we would use VOX with N1MM+.

N1MM+ will not be keying using VOX. It keys the rig via CAT and sends the voice message. The operator will be using VOX to avoid having to press the PTT footswitch all the time during a contest. It is less fatiguing for the operator to use VOX.

I have discovered the same problem as G1XOW. I use Muzychenko's Virtual Audio Cable program to setup virtual cables that N1MM+ uses to send audio to Thetis via VAC. Let's call this virtual cable I setup Line 1. If I point the VAC1 input to Line 1 and N1MM+ to Line 1 I can send canned messages using CAT PTT keying. I check "Allow PTT to bypass VAC for Phone" so when I key the footswitch I can use Mic audio.

I would rather use VOX when running stations to avoid constant footswitch keying. But VOX is not monitoring the mic audio. It is monitoring the Input connection on VAC so that I can't use it to communicate to a calling station. I have to use the PTT footswitch.

I think I can do a workaround by using my microKEYER 2R+ which has a built-in soundcard that can toggle between the mic and soundcard. But I was hoping to not use an external box with Thetis.

I haven't been able to figure out how to make the VOX monitor the MIC input while using VAC for N1MM+ voice keying.
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Re: VOX vs N1MM voicekeyer question

Postby w-u-2-o » Sun Feb 05, 2023 8:02 pm

That's a great point. It doesn't appear this is something that Thetis can do at the moment. What is needed is yet another checkbox on the VAC setup screen which is "Allow VOX to override/bypass VAC for Phone."

However, in the short term this can be fixed by adding a mic to your PC, and using Voicemeeter Potato instead of Muzy VAC. Use Voicemeeter as described to get the N1MM audio routed into Thetis. Then use Voicemeeter to mix in a PC microphone to Thetis as well.

Richie, MW0LGE, appears to be getting ready to produce another fabulous version of Thetis. He's maintaining an issues list for bugs, features and enhancements on his Github repository: https://github.com/ramdor/Thetis-2.9.0/issues?page=1&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen

Are you able to post this new feature request over there?
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Re: VOX vs N1MM voicekeyer question

Postby W4ATL » Sun Feb 05, 2023 8:06 pm

Thanks for the response. I was wondering if I was missing something. I'll post the request.

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