Options to choose different CW logic

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Options to choose different CW logic

Postby JJ4SDR » Thu Sep 01, 2022 8:18 pm

I used to operate on CW almost exclusively for many years and thrived at speeds of around 40 WPM. At the time (about 40 years ago) I used an external keyer. The logic of that keyer worked for me beautifully and helped me develop my skills.

Now, the ANAN platform is really advanced in many respects and I also salute the gamut of audio processing tools available as I have been keen on generating good quality SSB audio too. However, on CW, I would want to see features that aren't available (as far as I know) and would likely not be too difficult to implement although CW may not be a high priority.

Implementing features such as those described below would further enhance the attractiveness of ANAN and entice even more hams to jump on board. My thoughts relate to the use of iambic dual paddles and are written from a right-handed operator's perspective.

Provide a choice when it comes to CW logic (I know that reversing paddles is already available which is great I ):
* Upon lifting fore-finger from right paddle after initial & simultaneous squeeze of paddles (producing a string of alternating "dits-dahs") radio would generate a string of "dits" instead of "dahs" for as long as the fore-finger isn't on the right paddle
* Upon lifting fore-finger from right paddle after initial & simultaneous squeeze of paddles (producing a string of alternating "dahs" and "dits", radio would generate a string of "dahs" instead of "dits" for as long as the fore-finger isn't back on the right paddle

I do realize that I may be in a minority among CW operators of the ANAN, but I who would really appreciate this sort of option as I don't like using external keyers. Also, there may be some who would also like a choice when it comes to the "logic" when one removes one's thumb from the left paddle.

73 de Juha

P.S. I think that there is also no option for CW operators who love the "bug."
PC: 8 Core i7-10700 CPU @ 2.90GHz, NVMe SK Hynix 512 GB SSD, 32GB RAM
Windows 10 Home, Version 22H2
Thetis v2.10.4.3 x64
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Re: Options to choose different CW logic

Postby dk8nd » Wed Jan 18, 2023 4:00 pm

Dearr juha,
my greatest wish is, that ANAN Transceivers have the possibility for qsk operation. I got a 8000DLE, that has a common relay for TR-swiching. QSK-relays may be build ourselves with reed-contacts or bought or we use pin-diodes like 1N4007.

73, Hans-Albrecht
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Re: Options to choose different CW logic

Postby w-u-2-o » Wed Jan 18, 2023 4:14 pm

For wish list items that you want Richie, MW0LGE, to look at, make an account on Github and follows his directions here:


@dk8nd -- People who own a 200D or any variety of 7000, 8000 or Andromeda can run full QSK using Protocol 2 firmware and Thetis. Full QSK functionality has been available since Thetis 2.6.4. See here for instructions:

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Re: Options to choose different CW logic

Postby K1LSB » Wed Jan 18, 2023 5:42 pm

dk8nd wrote:Dearr juha,
my greatest wish is, that ANAN Transceivers have the possibility for qsk operation. I got a 8000DLE, that has a common relay for TR-swiching. QSK-relays may be build ourselves with reed-contacts or bought or we use pin-diodes like 1N4007.

73, Hans-Albrecht

Not meaning to drift this thread but I'm pretty sure a 1N4007 is not a PIN diode.

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Re: Options to choose different CW logic

Postby laurencebarker » Wed Jan 18, 2023 8:59 pm

The CW keyer is implemented in FPGA firmware (module "iambic" in file iambic.v). It can't be changed from Thetis, although UI changes would be needed to pass more parameters to it. It isn't particularly complicated and probably uses few resources, so could be changed... but it does open the FPGA and hence requires its timing to be re-closed.
Laurence Barker G8NJJ
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Re: Options to choose different CW logic

Postby W1JA » Sat Feb 04, 2023 11:43 am

K1LSB wrote:I'm pretty sure a 1N4007 is not a PIN diode.

It isn't, but at the 100W level, power diodes can function as PIN diodes. I know the Yaesu FT-1000, Icom IC-7600 and IC-7610 use power diodes. The typical circuit I've seen uses a small, near-silent reed relay to switch receiver to antenna during receive periods, and a forward-biased power diode to switch transmitter to antenna during transmit periods. I would be surprised if this technique isn't widespread among commercial manufacturers. (Sadly, not Apache Labs.)

73, John
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Re: Options to choose different CW logic

Postby w9ac » Sat Feb 04, 2023 1:51 pm

W1JA wrote:
K1LSB wrote:I'm pretty sure a 1N4007 is not a PIN diode.

I would be surprised if this technique isn't widespread among commercial manufacturers. (Sadly, not Apache Labs.)...

Help may be forthcoming:


And John is correct: modern 1N4007 diodes have an intrinsically doped PIN junction owing to the process used to manufacture a 1KV peak-inverse-voltage (PIV) diode. The carrier lifetime parameter is more than other diodes in the 1N400x class. This is especially important on the 160m band.

[Sorry, end of thread drift]

Paul, W9AC

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