Using THETIS SW to control a 200D can not control an external amplifier

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Using THETIS SW to control a 200D can not control an external amplifier

Postby Dick » Sat Jun 11, 2022 5:40 pm

Hello everyone

Now that I am using THETIS v2.8.11 software to control a 200D I am no longer able to
use the rear panel connection to control an external amplifier.

The THETIS User Manual says to use a USB-to-Serial port converter to control external
things like a CW-key and controlling an external amplifier. I would prefer to use the
DB-25 connector with some external wiring to control the amplifier.

HOW do I use the back panel DB25 connector pins to control an external relay that
switches the amplifier.

I played-with the General===>H/W Select===> HF settings in an effort to control
one of the 'connector pins' but had no success there.

Some hints/suggestions will be appreciated!

73 Dick/w7wkr
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Re: Using THETIS SW to control a 200D can not control an external amplifier

Postby w-u-2-o » Sat Jun 11, 2022 6:20 pm


There's a lot to unpack here:

1. Before you get too far you need to upgrade to the latest version of Thetis. 2.8.11 is very old. You want to install You can get it here:

Download the x64.msi file and install.

2. In the setup page you want is Setup > OC Control > HF.

3. Is doing something like this completely new to you, or did you have this working in PowerSDR mRX before moving to Thetis?

4. What kind of amplifier?



P.S. this topic is probably going to move to the amplifier sub-forum soon.
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Re: Using THETIS SW to control a 200D can not control an external amplifier

Postby Dick » Mon Jun 13, 2022 12:41 am

Hello Scott

1 - OK, I downloaded and installed the most recent THETIS SW you specified.
2 - I accessed the 'page' you specified and chose "Pin #7" BUT have not verified
one of the pins on the DB-25 connector responds - have to move the computer
out to the remote site to verify
3 - I was previously using a version of OpenHPSDR mRX .... SW previously and was
able to control an external amplifier
4 - The amplifier is a SB-220 modified for 6-meters

Now, with the new THETIS SW running I see correct activity on the WSJT-X FT8
decoding BUT the panafall display in the THETIS main window is totally BLANK !

What's happening with the display ? I make progress but as a "Sage" has said
"no good deed goes unpunished" 8=))

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Re: Using THETIS SW to control a 200D can not control an external amplifier

Postby w-u-2-o » Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:39 am

Dick wrote:Hello Scott

1 - OK, I downloaded and installed the most recent THETIS SW you specified.


2 - I accessed the 'page' you specified and chose "Pin #7" BUT have not verified
one of the pins on the DB-25 connector responds - have to move the computer
out to the remote site to verify
3 - I was previously using a version of OpenHPSDR mRX .... SW previously and was
able to control an external amplifier
4 - The amplifier is a SB-220 modified for 6-meters

You should have no trouble. It should work the same as it did before. Please post an update in this topic when you get a chance to try it. However, do be careful, the new OC menu page in Thetis offers a lot more options on how you can use the OC outputs.

Now, with the new THETIS SW running I see correct activity on the WSJT-X FT8
decoding BUT the panafall display in the THETIS main window is totally BLANK !

That is a separate problem for which you should start a new topic in the Digital Mode sub-forum:


Forums are unlike email lists. The intent of a forum is to organize and curate problems and discussions in a more organized fashion. So please start a separate topic on this separate problem as requested above.

As for the amplifier issue, I will move this topic to the Amplifier sub-forum where it belongs sometime tomorrow. Look for it there, or just look at the "Active topics" link to find it. You can find the Active topics link on the "hamburger" menu, aka the button with the three horizontal lines at the top left of every page.

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