SPE Expert 1.5k V2 issues with dual tone and PureSignal 2 (7000DLE MK2)

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SPE Expert 1.5k V2 issues with dual tone and PureSignal 2 (7000DLE MK2)

Postby I2NOY » Fri Jun 11, 2021 8:27 am

in my Thetis x64 latest release and protocol 2 (2.0b) setup, as soon as I send the 2 tones to linear amplifier, it is making a lot of beeps and on display it writes that I am trying to emit on a not permitted frequency and switches off power (0 W out to antenna).
I tried in 10 and 6 m and same result. I used low power setting and output from 100 to 500 W.
With single tone it is perfect; with two tones and consequent odd IMD signals, the linear amplifier always writes that I am transmitting in a wrong frequency.
I tried with and without feedback from linear amplifier

So it is impossible to use and setup PureSignal 2 with linear amplifier ON.

Any suggestion? :shock:
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Re: SPE Expert 1.5k V2 issues with dual tone and PureSignal 2 (7000DLE MK2)

Postby kc2rgw » Fri Jun 11, 2021 10:05 am

Sounds like RF in the shack, what is the antenna system, the matcher, feedline and antenna?
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Re: SPE Expert 1.5k V2 issues with dual tone and PureSignal 2 (7000DLE MK2)

Postby w-u-2-o » Fri Jun 11, 2021 11:01 am

What kind of amp is it? Acom amps have a known problem with two tone.
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Re: SPE Expert 1.5k V2 issues with dual tone and PureSignal 2 (7000DLE MK2)

Postby K1LSB » Fri Jun 11, 2021 3:18 pm


Per the thread title it's a SPE Expert 1.5K V2

DO2ZA Erwin
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Re: SPE Expert 1.5k V2 issues with dual tone and PureSignal 2 (7000DLE MK2)

Postby DO2ZA Erwin » Fri Jun 11, 2021 3:30 pm

Hi Mark,

please try Two Tone Test with 700 Hz and the second Tone with 890 Hz.
May be that the Frequency-Counter in the Amp has a Problem with the regular Test.

73 Erwin

Edit: Level at 0.000 db
Anan 7000DLE MK2 black, P.2 v2.1.18, WIN 10, 10.0.18362 (1903), i7-7700 @3.60 Ghz, 2x Monitor 24"@144 Hz and 1x 32" Monitor @120 FPS for Thetis
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Re: SPE Expert 1.5k V2 issues with dual tone and PureSignal 2 (7000DLE MK2)

Postby w3ub » Fri Jun 11, 2021 9:17 pm

No problems with my 2kFA. Or my earlier 1.3kFA. Seems a bit odd for sure.
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Re: SPE Expert 1.5k V2 issues with dual tone and PureSignal 2 (7000DLE MK2)

Postby I2NOY » Sat Jun 12, 2021 7:47 am

With 700 and 890 Hz it works perfectly! :D
Many thanks for suggestion.

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