How to change "APIPA" IP?

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How to change "APIPA" IP?

Postby nir_4x1fk » Sat Mar 16, 2024 1:42 pm

I discovered (As what I think),
That My Anan-7000DLE MKii, have an APIPA IP =
Is / how it possible to change it?
Thank you
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Re: How to change "APIPA" IP?

Postby w-u-2-o » Sat Mar 16, 2024 1:56 pm

You can't change an APIPA IP. They will automatically be assigned randomly over the range of to

Your choices are:

- APIPA assigned address. This address will be automatically set if there is no DHCP server and if no static IP is set in the ANAN.

- DHCP assigned IP address. To put any ANAN radio into this mode use the HPSDR Bootloader or HPSDR Programmer application to set the IP address to And, of course, ensure that your ANAN is on a network with a DHCP server (usually your router).

- Static IP address. Again use HPSDR Bootloader or programmer to assign this address. Obviously you need to ensure that no other devices on the network are using that address.

For instructions on how to use HPSDR Bootloader and HPSDR Programmer see this topic: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2333

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Re: How to change "APIPA" IP?

Postby nir_4x1fk » Sat Mar 16, 2024 7:03 pm

Thank you!
It works :)


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