Frequent Sequence Errors Again

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Frequent Sequence Errors Again

Postby VE6EY » Tue Dec 20, 2022 2:52 am

After a year of great performance, my ANAN7000 DLE MKII Black has started issuing frequent SEQ errors again (around once a minute). Nothing changed at this end, except:
* Windows 10 Updates :(
* Changed to a different ISP and my LAN now runs on 192.168... local addresses rather than 10.0... with the previous modem. I am now on Fibre, previously cable
Andy ideas?
Thetis 2.9.0 Protocol 2 v1.8 or 1.9
Netgear GS308e Gigabit Switch
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Re: Frequent Sequence Errors Again

Postby w-u-2-o » Tue Dec 20, 2022 11:40 am

Upgrade to the latest software and firmware.

Firmware 2.1.18
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Re: Frequent Sequence Errors Again

Postby VE6EY » Tue Dec 20, 2022 6:10 pm

No change after updating to Thetis and firmware Metis_Orion_MkII_Protocol_2_v.2.1.18.rbf
Sequence errors continue as described earlier.
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Re: Frequent Sequence Errors Again

Postby DH1KLM » Tue Dec 20, 2022 6:22 pm

"Network Throttle Index" activated in setup?
73 de Sigi / DH1KLM
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Re: Frequent Sequence Errors Again

Postby VE6EY » Wed Dec 21, 2022 5:54 pm

Yes, throttle index activated.
This is frustrating because everything was perfect before the two changes noted above.
I have also substituted a different CAT7 cable, and done a firmware update on the Netgear switch, to no effect. Also, I completely shut down my infrastructure and brought it back up in the order of Fibre Hub -> Switch ->- Radio -> PC. No effect.
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Re: Frequent Sequence Errors Again

Postby w3ub » Wed Dec 21, 2022 8:00 pm

If it were me, I would isolate it to either the PC or the LAN (assuming the FW is OK). To do this I would connect the radio directly to the PC, and set both the PC and radio with fixed IPs. If that works, then the LAN is the issue. Assuming you are OK with changing the PC ethernet settings.

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Re: Frequent Sequence Errors Again

Postby w-u-2-o » Wed Dec 21, 2022 8:18 pm

None of the things you are trying should matter and, as you can see, they don't matter (don't make any difference).

When you changed ISPs, what equipment on your LAN changed?

How do the radio and the PC get IP addresses? DHCP from your router?

What does your LAN look like? Is it router<-->switch<-->everything else including PC and ANAN?
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Re: Frequent Sequence Errors Again

Postby VE6EY » Thu Dec 22, 2022 1:13 am

My original setup used XFinity XFI Advanced Gateway (cable co supplied). Setup was:
cable -> Gateway -> Netgear Switch -> everything else (radio, PC)
This worked well for ANAN on Protocol 2.

Last month I switched to a telco fiber connection which uses Telus NH20A (Arcadyan). Setup is:
fiber -> NH20A -> Netgear Switch -> radio,pc etc. (The ND20A also provides a MOCA run to a WIFI 6 hub and DVR.)
I have tried disabling/enabling DHCP on the Netgear Switch. Did not make difference. Currently running DHCP on the NH20A only.
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Re: Frequent Sequence Errors Again

Postby Kj6gea » Thu Dec 22, 2022 4:52 am

Please try a database reset.Same-thing happened to me and reset fixed it.
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Re: Frequent Sequence Errors Again

Postby w-u-2-o » Thu Dec 22, 2022 1:12 pm

VE6EY wrote:My original setup used XFinity XFI Advanced Gateway (cable co supplied). Setup was:
cable -> Gateway -> Netgear Switch -> everything else (radio, PC)
This worked well for ANAN on Protocol 2.

Last month I switched to a telco fiber connection which uses Telus NH20A (Arcadyan). Setup is:
fiber -> NH20A -> Netgear Switch -> radio,pc etc. (The ND20A also provides a MOCA run to a WIFI 6 hub and DVR.)
I have tried disabling/enabling DHCP on the Netgear Switch. Did not make difference. Currently running DHCP on the NH20A only.

I hope you disabled the DHCP server on the Telus before you enabled it on the switch! However changing DHCP servers won't have any effect on the problem, either.

It's doubtful that the Windows update is causing the issue. If it's not been too long you can test this by rolling back the update:

If the rollback doesn't fix the problem, then the most likely cause is the Telus generating more UDP broadcast traffic on the network that needs to be handled. You can test this by disconnecting the Telus from the switch and enabling the DHCP server on the switch. Then reboot everything and see how it behaves. I'm very suspicious of this because of the MoCA services that you now enjoy.
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Re: Frequent Sequence Errors Again

Postby VE6EY » Thu Dec 22, 2022 4:25 pm

Hi Scott, thanks, you were right on the mark.
I disconnected the Telus router from the switch. Then, I ran my ANAN 7000 at the highest streaming rate for 20 minutes: NOT A SINGLE SEQ ERROR! Reconnected the Telus router and the problem returned. So, it looks like some sort of broadcast traffic overload at the Netgear switch.

Sigh. So, how do I resolve this? VLAN?
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Re: Frequent Sequence Errors Again

Postby DL2XY » Thu Dec 22, 2022 5:42 pm

VLAN would not help at all since all traffic would still be in the physical network.
The golden way ist to use a dedicated NIC with direct connection to ANAN. (detach all protocolls and services but IP-V4 from it)
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Re: Frequent Sequence Errors Again

Postby w-u-2-o » Thu Dec 22, 2022 8:47 pm

With average, consumer-level, LAN equipment Walter is correct. Merely setting up a VLAN won't work, assuming your PC wants to still see the rest of the world through the same NIC it is using to see the ANAN. And, as he says, the gold standard is a separate NIC dedicated only to the ANAN. Read more about this here:


It seems you are using a managed switch. If the switch supports IGMP snooping, and if the Telus router and any downstream MoCA devices also support IGMP, then activating IGMP snooping on the switch might help keep any undesired UDP multicast packets off of the PC and ANAN switch ports. If that doesn't work or isn't possible then your best bet remains as another NIC in the PC and a dedicated connection.

The following is TLDR for network geeks only :D

If you use pro-level LAN equipment like I do, you can define a VLAN in the router and the switch and thereby keep unwanted UDP multicast traffic limited to the switch ports where it needs to go. For instance, I have IPTV service through my provider. They provide a very nice router, but I kicked that to the curb and provisioned all Ubiquiti equipment here, routers and switches. In the router I've got UDP multicast packets blocked from the default (and guest) VLANs and routed onto a dedicated IPTV VLAN. With an IPTV VLAN setup in my switches that traffic goes only to the IPTV set-top boxes. Sure, it's on the router and switch backplanes, but there is plenty of bandwidth there. This has the additional benefit of security against unwanted IoT-style cyber-intrusions via the set-top boxes.

I've had to have the provider come out a couple of times to fix stuff on their side of the demark. Both times they were flabbergasted. "You can't do that, it's impossible, you HAVE to use our router!". Nope, sorry, don't need to, don't want to, look here, it actually does work :D
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Re: Frequent Sequence Errors Again

Postby VE6EY » Sat Dec 24, 2022 5:56 pm

Well, I picked up a second NIC yesterday and got everything working again with a static IP. (I may play "network administrator" with IGMP snooping next year, but for now I would rather focus on radio. ;) )
Anyway, thanks for your wonderful support, very much appreciated.
73 John VE6EY

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