This happens only on the Orion2 EP4CE and 5CEFA FPGA units.
See this thread for more info on the issue:
Note that it doesn't happen on the EP4CG FPGA (early MKIIs) so no new firmware there.
It would be advantageous if a few of the testers had access to a spectrum analyzer
to check for spectral purity during transmit.
Things to test using Thetis:
- There is RF output with QSK CW selected
- Pure Signal is working
- ADC0 and ADC1 both work (route ADC1 from RX2 on back)
- All Bands are working
- Diversity is working
- Wideband is working
- Sequence errors do not happen on transmit nor receive
- No jumping of noise floor where it sticks in high position
- Attenuators are working
- OC Controls are working
- Ant 1-3 connectors are working
Please reply to this thread if your interested in helping to Alpha test either
the ANAN-7000/Andromeda EP4CE or 5CEFA FPGA firmware.
Once we get 4-5 or more folks I'll send out links to the Alpha firmware.
-Rick / N1GP