PC Build: GPU

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PC Build: GPU

Postby WT4DX » Wed Mar 27, 2024 5:23 pm

I’m still working on a computer build focused around the G2, and this build is primary for the radio station.

I recognize that Thetis is core hungry, but I’m not clear what Thetis demands in terms of graphics.

It's real easy to overbuy performance that may not be needed, so what level of GPU performance should I be considering for running Thetis with the G2?

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Re: PC Build: GPU

Postby w-u-2-o » Wed Mar 27, 2024 6:50 pm

The GPU needs to support DirectX 12 but that is no problem for probably any card that's been made for the last five (ten?) years.

Thetis requires very little in the way of GPU performance. It's all very simple 2D graphics. Certainly you do not need a card that supports a refresh rate of more than 60Hz since it's difficult to get the Thetis spectral display to run any faster than that.

I'd recommend something that can support multiple displays, perhaps even multiple 4K displays. That way you can add more of that very valuable screen real estate whenever you want.

I'm currently using an NVIDIA GeForce GTX1070. It happily runs three 4K DisplayPort monitors and you can find them on eBay for well under $200.
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Re: PC Build: GPU

Postby WT4DX » Wed Mar 27, 2024 7:32 pm

Excellent!!! And thank you for the reply.


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