Can I stop my PC from upgrading to Windows 11?

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Can I stop my PC from upgrading to Windows 11?

Postby JJ4SDR » Wed Nov 10, 2021 11:25 pm

Is there a way to permanently prevent my PC from being updated to Windows 11? I am not ready for that right now! I paused all updates for 35 days but see that after the pause has been used up then my PC will update before I can pause future updates for another 35 days. Perhaps, this applies to general updates only rather than updating to Windows 11? My PC is compatible with Windows 11. I would imagine that I call the shots in terms of the O/S, not Microsoft. :shock:


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Re: Can I stop my PC from upgrading to Windows 11?

Postby kc2rgw » Thu Nov 11, 2021 12:32 am

Unless your machine is not used for the internet, you should allow the updates to run. They patch security holes.

Major upgrades, major version are not done automatically. The automatic updates are just security patches or other bug fixes and you should keep any system that is connected to the internet at current patch level.
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Re: Can I stop my PC from upgrading to Windows 11?

Postby JJ4SDR » Thu Nov 11, 2021 1:16 am

I understand, but I have also learnt that some updates cause problems when running our radios. for instance sound settings get changed.

By "major update" I presume you're talking Windows 11?


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Re: Can I stop my PC from upgrading to Windows 11?

Postby liam » Thu Nov 11, 2021 9:35 am

HI Loads of info online re Blocking win 11 updates
I have used it now for abt 6 months with ANAN8k
and old ASUS PC non TPM without any problems
I even think its a bit more soild than WIN 10 ... pdate.html

WUP may also work ... cker-v1-6/

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Re: Can I stop my PC from upgrading to Windows 11?

Postby w8er » Mon May 30, 2022 3:48 pm

JJ4SDR wrote:Is there a way to permanently prevent my PC from being updated to Windows 11? ...... I would imagine that I call the shots in terms of the O/S, not Microsoft. :shock:




I will give you a link to a small program called "Windows Update Blocker" below. I got tired too of the updates messing with my radio drivers and Windows 11 isn't helping any. There will be guys telling you that's it's crazy to stop the updates but I've had them blocked, without problems, for a couple of years. I do run a good virus and malware program and it hasn't found any issues either. Once or twice I've opened it and let it update, just because and it's only a mouse click to put WUB on standby and allow the update, WHEN YOU WANT TO!

... and NO Microsoft, left to their own, will do as they please to Windows as they retain ownership of it, even though you paid for it!

Here's the link to Windows Update Blocker ... great little utility: ... cker-v1-7/

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Re: Can I stop my PC from upgrading to Windows 11?

Postby K4IBC » Mon May 30, 2022 4:04 pm

If you are currently running Win10 it will not automatically update to Win11. Microshaft has already made it clear that Win11 will NOT be forced on Win10 users. Seems like they learned from their previous mistake of forcing Win7 users to update to Win10.

General updates are a good thing especially if your PC is connected to the outside world. Like someone mentioned lot of security holes get fixed with updates. Without updates you leave yourself exposed.

Yes sometimes things break during updates. Microshaft can't account for every configuration. This is where knowing your software helps in troubleshooting the problem and fixing it. I don't consider sound breaking a major problem especially when it can be fixed by reloading drivers. Major breaks are when your system doesn't boot. I consider the problems associated as minor inconvenience that I will not sacrifice security for.
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Re: Can I stop my PC from upgrading to Windows 11?

Postby RobB » Sat Jul 30, 2022 4:40 am

Like the old guitar amp line goes, This one goes to 11. In the case of Windows, the 11 refers to the proliferation of bloat and spyware foisted onto the general user base.
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Re: Can I stop my PC from upgrading to Windows 11?

Postby rbduck » Sat Jul 30, 2022 2:20 pm

If you are looking for a solid and safe way to block Windows updates in general, Windows Update Blocker that was mentioned a couple messages back, is the absolute best. I've used it for years I use it to block updates until a time that I can be in front of the PC. I then I then unblock the updates and let them go through. It is simple to use.
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Re: Can I stop my PC from upgrading to Windows 11?

Postby VK-JOE » Mon Oct 03, 2022 8:56 am

There is a way to "prevent" any windows updates from being persistent.

It’s a little unorthodox – because it does not prevent the actual update – but it makes ANY changes to your PC non-persistent.

Basically, you can fully restore to a previous state by simply rebooting the PC.

The program is called Reboot Restore Rx Pro – look it up if you are interested in this type of “protection”.

I usually create a working PC system with all required software configured – but all this is done offline.

I then activate the Reboot Restore and this saves the original configuration of my “working system”

If there is some problem or virus that has made my system unstable – I simply restore working system via a simple reboot.

You can choose when to restore – if at all.

You can also create a new stored image at any time – to be your “last known good image” with which you are happy.

In my case if I simply cannot postpone the W11 update – and my PC gets updated – I restore to the previous saved image with a simple reboot – takes seconds.

This approach makes your PC installation bullet proof to any potential problems – you can experiment with new programs – if they have a virus – simply reboot and they are gone.

Like I said not a conventional approach – but it can be used to stop the W11 update from being persistent.

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