G2 and Raspberry PI

G2 operating system and special app's (e.g. p2app) discussion only--post Thetis and piHPSDR questions in their own sub-forums
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G2 and Raspberry PI

Postby qst » Wed Oct 25, 2023 6:33 pm

I'm waiting for the delivery of G2 without LCD display. Previously I worked on 7000 DLE MKII. You can see Raspberry PI on the Saturn mainboard. I want to work on Thethis. Do I need to use additional devices such as Xilinx IP and PCIExp interface? In what cases is Raspberry IP used and what changes its use? I would like to prepare to launch G2 and install Tethis as soon as I receive it.
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Re: G2 and Raspberry PI

Postby Trucker » Wed Oct 25, 2023 10:12 pm

If you haven't already done so, go to Apache Labs website and download the user's manual for the G2 Saturn. It has been updated recently even though the website still shows an older date for it.
To answer your question, if you are getting Saturn without the front panel, you only need to connect a ethernet cable to the radio and to your computer or network. No extra hardware is needed. If for some reason you want to use PiHPSDR that is installed on the Raspberry Pi CM4 module, all you have to do is connect a monitor, keyboard and mouse and then you can run the radio that way using PiHPSDR.
Instructions for both versions of the G2 Saturn are in the User's Manual.

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