ANAN-10 Receive Audio

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ANAN-10 Receive Audio

Postby Glasgow » Thu Feb 08, 2018 12:08 pm

I have an ANAN-10 and a Flex 5000A. They seem equally sensitive but the ANAN seems to have a much higher tone/pitch receive audio. For instance, the noise floor is considerably higher in frequency, more of a hiss, and is very tiring to listen to. Kind of like an Elecraft K3 back in the day. The Flex is much more pleasant sounding. I want the ANAN-10 to sound at least as good as the Flex. Does anyone know what to change to achieve that?
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Re: ANAN-10 Receive Audio

Postby w-u-2-o » Fri Feb 09, 2018 4:41 am


The first questions are:

a) what are the receive passband filter limits on the Flex and the ANAN set to? Are they precisely the same?
b) do you accidentally have some receive EQ switched in on either radio?

Got to ask the dumb questions first! ;)


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Re: ANAN-10 Receive Audio

Postby Glasgow » Sat Feb 10, 2018 3:58 pm

Hi Scott,

A search of the index yields nothing regarding passband filters. Where would I find them?

The equalizers are set the same, 3 band is checked at the top but the enabled button is not checked. Interestingly, if I check the enabled button on the Flex there is no change but if I do that with the ANAN the volume increases noticeably.

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Re: ANAN-10 Receive Audio

Postby w-u-2-o » Sat Feb 10, 2018 5:59 pm


Your receive passband filter controls are the buttons in the lower right hand corner of the main console user interface. They are marked "2.7k" and the like.

In the version of PowerSDR that you use with your ANAN series radio, you can right click one of those buttons and change the settings for each button. For instance, the default settings for 2.7K are 150Hz to 2850Hz.

I can't remember if the same adjustments to the filter button settings can be accomplished in the old Flex version of PowerSDR.

In either case, when you compare one radio to the other, there are a few things that must be made the same in order to get a fair comparison. Some of these are quite obvious:

1. You must be listening on the same speakers and headphones. I recommend using headphones and moving them back and forth between both radios.
2. You must be listening at the same perceived volume level, i.e. both radios must sound equally loud to you. You cannot go by the volume and gain settings, they have to sound equally loud to your ears. Adjust as required.
3. You must be using the same receiver passband settings. If you can't adjust the Flex settings like you can the ANAN settings, then use the Variable filter controls on both radios to obtain the exact same passband on both radios.
4. Attenuator and AGC adjustments should be matched to the extent practical.
5. Leave the receive audio equalizer turned off on both radios.
6. Leave all of the noise reduction and noise blanking features turned off on both radios. They are quite different and will result in it sounding different.

Once you have all of these things properly adjusted, both radios should sound almost the same, if not identical.



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