Resolving the missing CPU Utilization counter in the OpenHPSDR mRX PS GUI

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Resolving the missing CPU Utilization counter in the OpenHPSDR mRX PS GUI

Postby W1AEX » Wed Sep 06, 2017 4:54 am

In most cases, this problem is easily resolved by bringing up the Windows command prompt and typing in the following command:

lodctr /R

...and then you press ENTER and Windows magically repairs itself.

If all is well, Windows reconstructs a couple of data files in the Windows/System32 folder and you are all set. In my case after the data files were reconstructed, nothing happened, and my Windows 7 (64-bit) installation stubbornly refused to comply. It turns out there is a deeper darker fix for this kind of stubborn case that involves a simple one digit registry edit. If you suffer from the missing CPU Utilization field in your GUI and are comfortable playing with the registry, check out the DEEPER DARKER FIX here:

As the directions mention, please do create a restore point and also export a copy of your registry before proceeding!


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