Anyone figure out how to modify or add band and frequency tags?

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Anyone figure out how to modify or add band and frequency tags?

Postby N9SSW » Sun Feb 24, 2019 2:01 pm

So as I have been playing with PowerSDR OpenHPSDR mRX PS v3.4.9 I have decided that I would like to add some frequency range tagging to identify some frequency tags or specific frequencies of my liking or that fit my local site. The software already does a great job of tagging most of the spectrum...

for example
"75M SSB" @ 3.800 - 3.999999Mhz.
"75M Ext/Adv DX Window" @ 3.790 - 3.799999Mhz.
"75M SSTV" @ 3.845Mhz.
"75M AM Calling Frequency" @ 3.885Mhz.

"WWV" @ 2.5, 5, 10, 15Mhz

The other ham bands and shortwave bands are all equally well tagged far better than I ever expected they would be. However I would still like to add some additional tagging for example I would like to go through the AM broadcast band and individually tag local callsigns to local station assignments etc.

"WLS Chicago" @ 890Khz.
"WGN Chicago" @ 720Khz.
"WBBM News Radio" @ 780Khz.
"ESPN Chicago" @ 1.000Mhz.

I also would like to label the 11 meter CB Channels\band as on occasion I find myself flipping back and forth comparing the wasteland that goes on at Citizens Band channel 6 AKA "Superbowl 6" to the comparative wasteland that goes on at 40 Meters on 7.200Mhz. as of late... Currently the entire 11M CB band is just labelled as "Out Of Band"

So this is what I am trying to do... What I have done so far? I figures these tags and frequency ranges are all saved somewhere in a modifiable file. So I started looking around on my hard drive. I found all of the band information in an exported backup XML file of my current PowerSDR database. So I made a brand new backup\export of my database and went to work attempting to add a couple of small individual tags and frequency ranges to that exported XML file following the XML format within the file already used by the database for like entries that already existed. In fact I copied\pasted a few of them and simply modified them. Saved my changes to the XML file and imported my newly modified XML file into my database. Import was successful. No problems re-opening PowerSDR and everything that was there previously was still there, however NONE of my new tags appeared in the VFO window as I tuned around to check my test entries. Sure glad I only inputted a handful of test tags as opposed to the hours of work it would have taken to add all of the ones I wanted to add hihi.

So I've got to be missing something somewhere. Anyone have any luck doing this yet? or if any of the PowerSDR programmers see this and want to chime in on where this band data comes from, I'd love a little education on the subject.

Thanks in advance,

de N9SSW
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Re: Anyone figure out how to modify or add band and frequency tags?

Postby w-u-2-o » Sun Feb 24, 2019 2:26 pm

I would have said to directly edit your database.xml file (with a backup copy made, just in case, of course). This instead of trying to make a separate xml file for importation.

However, I've never tried that so I have no idea if it would really work.

Also, when editing the database.xml file, be sure to put the new tags in the right places, I suspect there may be various groups of tags depending on the region. I also suspect that you cannot have tags that overlap in frequency, so you may need to break up existing tags.

But again, this is all just supposition, I've never tried it (but I have thought about it!)


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Re: Anyone figure out how to modify or add band and frequency tags?

Postby NC3Z » Sun Feb 24, 2019 2:49 pm

I put custom info in mine BUT it never ever gets imported when I import a database for some reason. I have found I can only do it to the database.xml file. I save a text file with my band data and have to manually copy and past into the database file every time that file is recreated.
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Re: Anyone figure out how to modify or add band and frequency tags?

Postby N9SSW » Sun Feb 24, 2019 7:35 pm

Thanks for the replies guys! Direct edit of the database.xml file does seem to recognize my band tag edits\modifications just fine where importing a modified backup file does not. Guess I will take NC3Z's advice and make a text file of my edits and keep it around. Do you find yourself copying your edit's into a new database file frequently? About how often does the database file replace itself? I have to admit I am rather new to my ANAN-8000DLE and so far have been really enjoying the radio. Only had it a couple of weeks so far and I can already see it will take me years and years of fiddling to make this rig into all that it can be...

Next on my hit list... Got to get my digital modes running. I seem to have HRD working with the radio to some extent I can use rig control to tune around the radio etc and my logging is all working as expected. CW is good to go but my RTTY and PSK31 decoding through DM780 still need some work. Nothing seems to be decoded in any mode so far other than CW... lol

Also would like to get a Voice memory keyer going for calling CQ during contesting weekends. Have played with the Rec\Play features in PowerSDR but think that I like my "Voice Keyer" program better, just need to figure out how to get it to key the radio and pass the audio recordings along... I'm sure I will think of an an endless list of other tweaks to make after those... FT8 etc...

Again thanks for the help,


de N9SSW
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Re: Anyone figure out how to modify or add band and frequency tags?

Postby w-u-2-o » Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:56 pm


The database updates all of the time. But it will not change the entries you put in manually for frequency tags, so no worries about that.

As for digi modes, take a look in the digi mode and logging sub-forum:

If you have questions post them there. You certainly don't need the rig control part of HRD. You might try Fldigi. In either case you need to choose and install virtual audio cable and virtual serial port software. I prefer Voicemeeter Potato and VSPE, respectively. And N1MM+ logger is probably the most respected voice keyer and contest logging software out there.


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Re: Anyone figure out how to modify or add band and frequency tags?

Postby N9SSW » Wed Feb 27, 2019 6:27 am

Thanks Scott.

I figured out that the software reads in the database when you open PowerSDR and writes it back out when you close PowerSDR which makes perfect sense. Run with it in memory and write it on exit in case anything has changed during the session. I have even taken to modifying the file while PowerSDR is open. Just got to remember not to make any config changes on the radio during that session and when I close powerSDR and my XML editor says another program just updated the file I just need to remember not to reload it or my edits will be destroyed.

As for the DIGI modes Thanks for the link. I will read around in there. I already have VAC and VSP software installed. Like I mentioned the rig interfaces quite nicely with the pay version of HRD, and I have grown accustomed to using HRD for most of my digital uses so far and I'm not a huge contester yet.. We will see what happens after I get my tower up and the new amplifier and the new antenna up. The ANAN 8000 is quite an upgrade from a 1993 vintage Yaesu FT-890AT. So I'm still doing a lot of fiddling around. Luckily I am in a position where I was stuck in a condominium for the past 20 years and recently moved into a house and am able to use proceeds from the condo sale to upgrade my shack in the new house :-P~ so it's time to build my station back up! :) The tower is bought and paid for, just needs to be installed. Next was the radio, then we need to get off my current $50 antenna onto a hex beam or something similar, and then it'll be solid state amp time :)

THEN I will probably turn into a contest nut... Right now I just play with it and log a small number of contacts, but let me say in the past with a crappy antenna and only 100 Watts out of the old Yaesu the voice keyer sure saved my voice on a few occasions, since with my current ERP I am closer to a QRP station than a big QRO conterter hihi. I have spent HOURS in a pileup for 1 contact in the past lol. But usually I'm up to that challenge and can actually say I have worked countries like Thailand with the FT-890 100Watts and a dipole made out of two hamsticks hanging 20 feet off the ground in a tree... At the bottom of the cycle no less! :D
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Re: Anyone figure out how to modify or add band and frequency tags?

Postby W1AEX » Wed Feb 27, 2019 6:13 pm

Hi Nick,

It looks like you and Scott already sorted out the "Custom Bandtext" stuff so I won't elaborate on my own adventures with that part of the database. I'll mention though that I had a lot of fun customizing all the HF bands along with 6 meters just for the fun of it by directly editing a database.xml file and then moving it back into the Thetis directory in the Users folder path. Fortunately, I kept a copy of my entire "custom Bandtext" section in a text file so I was able to recover everything easily the first time I did an import and and found that all my "clever" entries disappeared. It's a very good idea to keep an archived text file that contains all your custom stuff like RX filters, TX Profiles, BandStack information, and of course the BandText edits. It only takes a few minutes to paste the information into the database.xml if you inadvertently lose it all.

Now my band data accurately displays the "AM Ghetto" from 3870 to 3890 along with other "special" band data info for various frequencies where other groups of friends hang out.

I hadn't thought about editing some station ID tags for the AM broadcast band but that's a great idea. Thanks for mentioning it!



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