piHPSDR -- Latest Releases and Release Notes

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piHPSDR -- Latest Releases and Release Notes

Postby w-u-2-o » Sat Apr 08, 2017 4:48 pm

All of the source code, installers and release notes are now maintained by John Melton, G0ORX, at the following GitHub repository:


with some excellent directions on how to install and operate (or build from source) the piHPSDR application:

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Re: piHPSDR -- Latest Releases and Release Notes

Postby w-u-2-o » Tue Jan 12, 2021 3:58 pm

@John-G0ORX are the above URLs still good? Do they respect the latest versions now that the Controller V2 is available?
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Re: piHPSDR -- Latest Releases and Release Notes

Postby AA0U » Tue Mar 15, 2022 2:17 pm


I dropped a note to John regarding your question and received this reply:

Hi Zack,

they are both still valid although I am in the process of moving (slowly) the build and install instructions to the wiki (https://https://github.com/g0orx/pihpsdr/wiki).

-- John




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Re: piHPSDR -- Latest Releases and Release Notes

Postby nir_4x1fk » Wed Mar 06, 2024 6:52 am

I'm trying to install PiHPSDR on my Raspberry Pi 4B.
I follow in Github after G0ORX instructions.
The software looks like instilled correct, But it do not recognize my Anan 7000DLE MKii.
running protocol 2.
Any Idea?
thank you
Nir 4X1FK
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Re: piHPSDR -- Latest Releases and Release Notes

Postby Joerg » Wed Mar 06, 2024 8:41 am

There is a further development by Christoph DL1YCF with an extensive documentation.


https://github.com/dl1ycf/pihpsdr/blob/ ... Manual.pdf

73 Joerg, DD8JM
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Re: piHPSDR -- Latest Releases and Release Notes

Postby nir_4x1fk » Wed Mar 06, 2024 7:43 pm

Hello Joerg,

thank you very much for the information.
I follow the link, and also installed the software...
Sorry, but no success. The program not recognize my Anan 7000DLE Mkii.
I'm looking to have' something like the "controller" that Apache labs sale, But with out the knobs, Just a dedicated Pi for the radio.

Thank you,
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Re: piHPSDR -- Latest Releases and Release Notes

Postby Joerg » Thu Mar 07, 2024 8:19 am

I also run PiHPSDR on a Raspberry PI 4B and on my Windows PC under Hyper-V Manager, the Windows virtual machine under Kali-Linux. I don't have an Anana7000DLE MKII but a Red Pitaya, also with protocol 2.

I suspect that you still have an installation problem.

There are two ways of installation in the manual, Binary installation of piHPSDR (RaspPi only) and the installation of piHPSDR from
the sources (Linux, RaspPi).

You may also want to try the other option.

73 Joerg, DD8JM
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Re: piHPSDR -- Latest Releases and Release Notes

Postby HB9LFQ » Sun Mar 10, 2024 7:15 pm

[quote="nir_4x1fk"]Hello Joerg,
Sorry, but no success. The program not recognize my Anan 7000DLE Mkii.

Hi Nir,
my setup:
- Ubuntu Linux 22.04 LTE
- Anan 7000DLE Mk. II with protocol 2
- piHPSDR RELEASE-2.2-DL1YCF, compiled from Gitlab sources

works without problems. So you may have a config/setup or installation problem.

András HB9LFQ
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Re: piHPSDR -- Latest Releases and Release Notes

Postby nir_4x1fk » Mon Mar 11, 2024 11:28 am

Hi András,

I have Raspberry pi 4B
Alsop installed the same software as you did.
When starting the software it scan for radios, But can't find any...
It looks that something with the communication of the 7000DLE MKii and the pi...
In windows, all works fine.....
I'm in contact with DL1YCF, Trying to solve the problem.

Thank you
Nir, 4X1FK
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Re: piHPSDR -- Latest Releases and Release Notes

Postby HB9LFQ » Mon Mar 11, 2024 5:47 pm

Hi Nir,

and you checked the network connection? Can you ping the Anan? You should know the Anan's IP from Thetis on WIndows. If I ping my Anan it answers, so if that's not the case on your side, then first you've got to sort that issue out. Does the IP setup match (IP range, netmask, routing etc.)? I have connected the Anan directly to my computer with an ethernet cable as only device with an own subnet with an own IP range.

András / HB9LFQ
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Re: piHPSDR -- Latest Releases and Release Notes

Postby nir_4x1fk » Wed Mar 13, 2024 8:52 am

Hi András,
Well some strange things happens..
I ping to the ANAN from the Pi, No loop back....
BUT - when strating the OpenHPsdr, it looks that the software pick the correct IP from the ANAN, as it appear in open screen, and also at the top of the GUI opening screen.
After that, the software Stack, and I need to reboot the PI.

thank you for support,
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Re: piHPSDR -- Latest Releases and Release Notes

Postby HB9LFQ » Sat Mar 16, 2024 5:49 pm

Hi Nir,
strange. I don't know how the discovery works, but for me this sounds like a problem on the network layer.
73, András / HB9LFQ
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Re: piHPSDR -- Latest Releases and Release Notes

Postby nir_4x1fk » Wed Mar 20, 2024 5:14 am

Hi András,
Finally it work. I chat with Christoph DL1YCF, that help me a lot.
I connected the ANAN, and The Pi throw a Switch to the router.
All works fine.
thank you for help.

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