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Controller V2

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 3:40 am
by va7qi
Hello All,

This posting should really be under its own heading, but I did not see a way to create new forum. I would like to see others share their experiences and questions here.

My Controller v2 arrived last week and I have put it through some initial testing with my Anan-10 running v1 firmware.

I am quite impressed with the amount of functions John Melton et al managed to put into the Pi. The touch screen is easy to use and configuration of encoders and switches is easy.

There is no manual for v2. Much of what is written for v1 is no longer valid since a LOT of changes has been made to the software before v2 was shipped out. I am willing to try and update the manual, but will need someone else to help with the project as I am not planning on rewriting the whole thing. Any volunteers?

Any experiences to share? And questions?

I have one: The power switch seems to need about 5 seconds' push before it does anything. My question is will the power button shut down the app and Pi OS gently or will it basically crash the computer?

Another one: Some functions that switches can be assigned to, do not seem to work (e.g. ANF). Is this a matter of changing some configuration file? I have yet to poke around in the files on the Pi.

Anyway, hope to hear from other happy owners of the new Controller.

73 & HNY de va7qi, ....Erik.

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 3:56 pm
by w-u-2-o
Hi Erik,

Thanks for starting this topic. It will no doubt be useful as more people receive Controller V2 units.

You can blame me for the software-centric organization of the forum ;) piHPSDR effectively is the controller. Hardware specific differences between piHPSDR controllers are generally minor. So this is a very good place (sub-forum) to have this topic and discussion.

I will tag @John-G0ORX so with luck he will take notice of this thread as well.



Re: Controller V2

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 4:19 am
by va7qi
I hooked the Controller up to my Anan 7000 DLE MKII for a SSB QSO on 80 m. Here is what I noticed:

- After selecting Protocol 2, it found the radio very quickly
- It works well with one receiver. I used default sampling rate.
- Interesting that the AGC/Gain cannot be set below -100. In my case, that was my noise level, so that's OK - for that band.
- It seems to work with two receivers, no apparent timing issues, but I did not try audio on the 2nd receiver (band was closed)
- TX went well, but I had to crank the compression up fully (20). I may need to play a little with mike gain.

- ANF still does not work when a button is set up to set ANF.

- Button assignment went back to the default. Perhaps is it dependent on the type of receiver?

Will do further tests with the 7000 as time permits.

73 de va7qi, ....Erik.

Controller V2 User Guide Available

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 6:13 am
by va7qi

First draft of the Controller V2 User Guide is available at:

Corrections/updates/comments are welcome.

73 de va7qi, ....Erik.

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 7:47 pm
by w3ub
Your link does not seem to work, but one can navigate from your home page and find it.
Thanks for working on it!

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 5:58 pm
I'm a little confused on the operation capabilities of the Controller V2.

In the case of a 7000DLE MkII can the Controller V2 provide all that is necessary to operate without the 7000 having a connection to a full computer / network and HPSDR?

If so, what are the Pros and Cons of operating in such a manner?

Kind regards,
Dick - KA5KKT

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 6:24 pm
by w-u-2-o
KA5KKT wrote:I'm a little confused on the operation capabilities of the Controller V2.

In the case of a 7000DLE MkII can the Controller V2 provide all that is necessary to operate without the 7000 having a connection to a full computer / network and HPSDR?

Short answer: no.

Longer answer: the Controller V2,, is the second hardware iteration of of something that was originally called the PiHPSDR Controller.

The Controller is, by itself, a full computer. It consists of a Raspberry Pi, a touchscreen, and some buttons and knobs that are interfaced to the standard Pi GPIO interface port. It runs the Raspian Linux operating system instead of Windows. Instead of running Thetis or PowerSDR mRX it runs a thick client SDR application called PiHPSDR. It requires a wired Ethernet connection to the ANAN hardware you are using.

If so, what are the Pros and Cons of operating in such a manner?

That's a great question, Dick. What follows is my personal opinion. I would say that it appeals to those who are seeking a more "conventional" user interface experience as opposed to using a mouse and keyboard. There are some people who just prefer using knobs and buttons. However, the trade-off is that the PiHPSDR does not provide every function and capability that is found in Thetis or PowerSDR.

I also suspect that many who buy the Controller expect a more appliance-like experience. That has not been my experience. Linux computers require the same care and feeding as any other sort of computer. And I speak as someone who built their own Controller Version 1. This is particularly true if one wants to set up local audio (instead of plugging into the ANAN hardware) or wishes to add digi mode software to their Controller. At which point you will wind up with a mouse and keyboard attached to the Controller anyway.

One can also debate the merits of Linux vs. Windows on both philosophical and user experience levels. Such debates can often reach the level of holy war :D

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 9:13 pm
Great answer, Scott!

I couldn't find that explained anywhere I had looked. Your reply is in keeping with what I had expected or wanted to know.

It seems one can operate the Anans with the Controller V2, but with limited functionality.

Kind regards,
Dick - KA5KKT

PS Ever envious of your avitar, I created my own.

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 11:17 pm
by w-u-2-o
This is the old controller. I have not been able to find any video yet of the new one. I understand piHPSDR has advanced quite a bit since the old one was first introduced.

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 5:33 am
by va7qi

First of all, sorry about the link to the user guide that did not work. My web design tool seems to have a disconnect somewhere. All subordinate pages have to be specified in lower case:

As for the piHPSDR controller, I find that it has the vast majority of the controls that most people would need. Sometimes you have to use the menu to get at them and sometimes you have to use the ribbon on the bottom of the screen. Don't get me wrong, it is not Thetis, but OTOH some people may find the Thetis screen a little overwhelming, which piHPSDR is not (and therefore I have a reduced chance of screwing up a setting). And yet, there is a lot of functionality in the Controller. I use it every night for SSB work and do not miss any function. It also seems to have a slightly better rendering of the signal than Thetis does - even though I use the same audio chain for either. That may just be my subjective experience since I have no metrics to back it up and maybe also because of the more intimate feeling from using the Controller.

And no, no other computer is needed when you use the pi Controller since it contains it own (Raspberry PI 4B). I use Thetis on a Windows computer for digital work and swap Ethernet connection when I switch between the two clients. Of course, I COULD use a switch, but that is not my current setup with my Anan-7000. I do have my Anan-10 on a switch, but that is used almost exclusively with Thetis and WSJT-x on a separate computer, so both configurations have been tested. BTW, there are ways to connect the Controller to another computer to, for instance, run a logging program or a digital mode This I have yet to explore.

All in all, I have no regrets about buying the controller. The performance is nothing less than amazing when you consider the processor and overall it is very satisfying to use. John and company have done a great job!

BTW, I am still working on refining the User Guide. Look for an update within a week.

73 de va7qi, ....Erik.

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 6:04 am
by va7qi
The manual has been updated:

Have fun, va7qi, ....Erik.

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 5:30 am
by va7qi
The manual has been updated. It is now version2.1. Can anyone supply text for the PS section?

73 de va7qi, ....Erik.

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 3:11 am
by Vkwayne
Ok ,I am sure I am doing something very simple, very wrong. I just connected up my new V2 controller ,as in the user guide.And it shows the correct protocol,IP address and MAC address ,all the same as shown in the radio setup. It doesn't connect to the radio !

I have a 7000DLEMK11 with built in i7 nut. works perfectly . I have an Ethernet cable connected to a Gb switch ,and cat 6 cables to either Lan connections on the rear of the radio .I have run a Cat6 cable from the switch to the Controller Lan port. Shows the correct connection details ,just doesn't connect to the radio ,just like I need a Cat connection ? Any ideas would be appreciated, as I am sure it is something simple ,I am overlooking .


Re: Controller V2

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 4:51 am
by va7qi
Hi Wayne,

There is not enough information to help you out here.

- Are you sure the Controller is on the same LAN segment as your DLE? The built-n computer in the 7000 will likely need to be disconnected.
- Do you have more than one radio on your LAN? I found that the Controller could nor connect to the 7000DLE when my Anan10 was on the same network segment.
- Any firewall in between the Controller and the 7000?

73 de va7qi, ....Erik.

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2022 4:27 am
by Vkwayne
Hi Erik

I am trying to connect using the built in computer in the 7000 mk11.

I have a cat 6 Lan cable connected to a gigabyte switch ,then cat 6 cables connected to both of the Lan connections at the rear of the radio and inbuilt computer. This works fine and allows me to connect my logging program which is on the inbuilt computer .
I tried to connect the controller ,by connecting to the same Gigabyte connector,which should connect to the same Lan connection .But it shows the same Lan connection as the radio , but I get no connection of anything else on the controller ie. No frequency or no display.


Re: Controller V2

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2022 11:29 am
by w-u-2-o
You are not trying to run Thetis or PowerSDR on the built-in PC at the same time as using piHPSDR on the Controller, right? They can both be attached at the same time via the switch, but only one client software app can run at a time.

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2022 10:13 pm
by Vkwayne
OK,now I am more confused than ever. Are you saying that I can't have the radio running using Thetis ,at the same time that I have the controller connected via the switch and running ? I only wanted it as a remote receiver that I could use in another part of the house ,and move back to the shack if I heard something interesting. If it is the case that I can't have both running, then I guess I will just throw it in the corner as it isn't what I require.

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2022 10:58 pm
by NN3RP
If you are definitely not going to use it, I can take it from you. Let's work a deal.

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 1:37 am
by w-u-2-o
Vkwayne wrote:OK,now I am more confused than ever. Are you saying that I can't have the radio running using Thetis ,at the same time that I have the controller connected via the switch and running ?

That is correct.

The openHPSDR architecture does not support more than one client at a time connecting to the hardware. Only one instance of any client, be it Thetis, PowerSDR, piHPSDR or linHPSDR can connect at any given time. The Controller V2 runs piHPSDR as the client.

I only wanted it as a remote receiver that I could use in another part of the house ,and move back to the shack if I heard something interesting. If it is the case that I can't have both running, then I guess I will just throw it in the corner as it isn't what I require.

If you aren't familiar with what you bought, do read my post in this topic above, posted Sat Jan 30, 2021 1:24 pm.

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 11:03 pm
by Vkwayne
OK have it working on receive now, just have to figure out the transmit

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 11:43 am
by Vkwayne
working now

1D10660D-190E-4F8A-B78B-2FD9D0EC7098.jpeg (145.93 KiB) Viewed 13962 times

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 4:17 pm
by NN3RP
That was great! When you have play with it for a while, can you please post your like / dislike?

I wonder how many of us are using it and whether or not if is worth the investment

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 12:12 am
by va7qi
Hi Rafael,

I use mine pretty much every day mainly for SSB. It works very well and has the NR2 implemented, which works as well as it does on Thetis.
The Controller does not have as many adjustments implemented, but all the controls needed for SSB are there. Some things that are NOT implemented are:

- recording
- manual notch filter (ANF is)
- equalizer is only three levels, but it does work fine
- WB and RA
- No spots

I have not tried PS and diversity on the Pi, but the adjustments would be a little cumbersome using the touch screen.

The controller is very useful when my computer is doing something else and visitors take to it much better then Thetis.

73 de va7qi, ....Erik.

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Sun May 08, 2022 9:36 am
by Vkwayne
NN3RP wrote:That was great! When you have play with it for a while, can you please post your like / dislike?

I wonder how many of us are using it and whether or not if is worth the investment

Hi Rafael

I have only managed to use it on receive ,so far ,and it seems to work very well.I like the receive on it.

I am not sure if it is just the initial novelty value ,but I will try taking it out of the shack and try connecting it to the modem inside the house ,and see if I can get it working remotely .It uses the Audio out of the radio ,so that is something I need to sort out ,as I want to listen to it away from the 7000DLE Mk11. I will report back when I have had further chances to play .

Wayne VK2VRC

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 2:58 am
by va7qi
Hi Wayne,

You can configure the audio output to appear either from the radio or the Raspberry. If you choose the radio, you can only have audio from one channel at a time. The audio is actually generated on the Pi, so it is sent back to the hardware part of the radio, if that is what you want. I am guessing the single channel restriction has to do with the bandwidth over the network.

73 de va7qi, ....Erik.

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 10:00 am
by w-u-2-o
va7qi wrote:I am guessing the single channel restriction has to do with the bandwidth over the network.
It's a software limitation. There is plenty of network bandwidth.

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2022 4:09 am
by david schoenwald
How do I set up the monitor function, so that I can hear myself talk? Anan 100 and v2controller. How do I adjust the microphone gain?

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2022 11:52 am
by W4GM
I have had my V2 controller for about 6 weeks now. It's really amazing how much that be accomplished using it. The first thing that you need to do is probably check the manual out to do the setup. Most all the knobs, buttons and switches can be configured to suit your operating needs. I have mine set up using a YETI USB mic. The quality of the audio is as good as my 7000MKII and the pure signal also functions well. One thing that I do not like is the size of the video displayed on 4K 43" monitor that have have it attached to. So far I have been unable to get the software to display any larger than on the the 7" display on the V2 Controller. I am sure it's limited by the way the software program is written. Overall I like the controller, it functions well and is a good addition to my shack.

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2022 12:13 pm
by w-u-2-o
david schoenwald wrote:How do I set up the monitor function, so that I can hear myself talk? Anan 100 and v2controller. How do I adjust the microphone gain?

AFAIK there is no monitor function in piHPSDR. It would not be usable anyway since there is far too much latency in the SDR design, i.e. you would be listening to yourself delayed by so much it would seem like an echo.

For mic gain see pages 61 and 63 of the manual.

Re: Controller V2

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2022 12:16 pm
by w-u-2-o
W4GM wrote:One thing that I do not like is the size of the video displayed on 4K 43" monitor that have have it attached to.
If you are using a giant monitor like that then why are you not using a PC to run the radio and getting the full power and functionality of Thetis?