piHPSDR G2 encoder menue

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piHPSDR G2 encoder menue

Postby dl4zbg » Tue Sep 12, 2023 9:31 pm


just for testing purpose I have been changing the lower encoder functions from "AF gain" and "RF gain" to filter functions. Now I am not able to restore the old functions anymore and it seems that the encoder menue does not store any changes.

Am I doing something wrong?


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Re: piHPSDR G2 encoder menue

Postby JohnFT61 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 8:57 pm


Locate your props file, and correct it as follows:


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Re: piHPSDR G2 encoder menue

Postby n1gp » Fri Sep 22, 2023 5:30 pm

Hi Guys,

Try updating pihpsdr again, I just checked in a couple of changes:

[saturn 0eaa539] Fix for encoder_menu not editing correctly, also added ability to set back to defaults.

-Rick / N1GP
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Re: piHPSDR G2 encoder menue

Postby DL8LAQ » Fri Sep 22, 2023 6:13 pm

Hi Rick,

can you please point me into the right location for the manual with appendices H, I and J. You mentioned the manual on your github repo. I am shure that a few weeks ago I have seen that manual, but I didn't save it on my computer.

73, Norbert
73, Norbert - DL8LAQ - ANAN-G2 w/display - Richie's latest Thetis version and pihpsdr by N1GP&DL1YCF
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Re: piHPSDR G2 encoder menue

Postby n1gp » Fri Sep 22, 2023 6:53 pm

Hi Norbert,

Look in release/LatexManual/piHPSDR-Manual.pdf

This was work done by Christoph / DL1YCF
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Re: piHPSDR G2 encoder menue

Postby DL8LAQ » Fri Sep 22, 2023 7:04 pm

Thank you, Rick. Too many .png, didn't see the pdf on the tiny screen.
73, Norbert - DL8LAQ - ANAN-G2 w/display - Richie's latest Thetis version and pihpsdr by N1GP&DL1YCF
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Re: piHPSDR G2 encoder menue

Postby dl4zbg » Fri Sep 22, 2023 9:41 pm

Tried a couple of encoder control options, seems to work fine now. Thanks a lot Rick!

However, some encoder switches like "PS" or "COMP" still do not work.


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Re: piHPSDR G2 encoder menue

Postby JohnFT61 » Tue Sep 26, 2023 2:48 am

I see there was another update on the pihpsdr program that I saw today, that fixes the issue with the Comp On/Off, it now works!

Thank you,

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Re: piHPSDR G2 encoder menue

Postby JohnFT61 » Tue Sep 26, 2023 7:11 pm

I guess I have spoken too soon. When one modifies the settings, then closes the menu, the settings remain. However, if you close down the pihpsdr program OR when one starts the PC, the default settings remain for the right side knobs (not the modified settings one has set).

I also remember 3 updates ago, if you shut down the pihpsdr program, and either re-started it later, or turned the PC on (after it was shut down), the pihpsdr program remembered where it was last centered on the screen (i am using an external display). Now it no longer does that in the last 2 updates.

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Re: piHPSDR G2 encoder menue

Postby JohnFT61 » Wed Sep 27, 2023 1:19 am

Please see the previous posting.

Also, my PTT seems to no longer work when using the front panel Mic Jack with pihpsdr, however it still works when using the Thetis program with same configuration!

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Re: piHPSDR G2 encoder menue

Postby dl1ycf » Wed Sep 27, 2023 4:53 pm

Sorry, after I have implemented the "Defaults" buttons and load the defaults upon program start,
I had forgotten to move the initialization call upwards, so the Encoder settings were re-set
to default AFTER being read from the props file.

This is now corrected in my master branch


According to my testing, you can now change the encoder settings in the encoder menu,
and after leaving and restarting piHPSDR they are correctly restored.

The "Default" buttons have been introduced to make it easier for you to
return to the values slik-printed in the enclosure.

Yours, DL1YCF.
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Re: piHPSDR G2 encoder menue

Postby dl1ycf » Wed Sep 27, 2023 5:00 pm

JohnFT61 wrote:Please see the previous posting.

Also, my PTT seems to no longer work when using the front panel Mic Jack with pihpsdr, however it still works when using the Thetis program with same configuration!


There is something magic going on, since there as no change about this in piHPSDR for a long time.
Just to be sure: you have a G2aware version of piHPSDR (it states G2/Saturn in the title bar?)

Then I heard mysterious things that the rear and front 3.5mm Mic jack behave differently.
Can you check if this is true also for you?
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Re: piHPSDR G2 encoder menue

Postby JohnFT61 » Wed Sep 27, 2023 7:54 pm

The title bar displays "piHPSDR: saturn (Protocol 2 v8) on XDMA"

I connected the Mic to Tip, and PTT to Ring. When using the rear jack, I select "Mic to Tip, and PTT to Ring"

When using the front jack, I select "PTT on Tip, Mic and Bias on Ring" in both pihpsdr and Thetis. However, PTT with pihpsdr no longer works, but it still works with Thetis.

Not sure if you did an update since my last post, but pihpsdr now lets me modify the Switch and Encoder settings, and them remain after closing pihpsdr program and PC Off/On.

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Re: piHPSDR G2 encoder menue

Postby JohnFT61 » Sat Sep 30, 2023 3:00 am

Pulled down the latest pihpsdr files, and now the PTT works again, Thank you!


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