Thetis v2.8.11 - UPDATES and current issues

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Thetis v2.8.11 - UPDATES and current issues

Postby ramdor » Fri Jun 18, 2021 2:22 am

LATEST UPDATE 21k9c on 2nd Apr'22

21k9_ is a large update, please read the change log. There are parts such as the TCI server that are work in progress and have features missing. There may be follow ups to 21k9 if any major issues are found.

NOTE: Please backup your database. These updates make a number of changes to the database which may result in loss of your settings and band stack entries.

v2.8.11 10/20/20 MW0LGE 21k9c

Please follow instructions below to install a test version over the top of your existing v2.8.11 version. Testing this is at your own risk etc etc.

Most recent release
21k9c - Download x64 [md5:14E6C9C82167F8B3C9D8619518FCA594] -
21k9c - Download x86 [md5:395CBDE95817C4E39EA479F000F5F5B3] -

21k9b - Download x64 [md5:A98A5E38AEC2005A14A8B892BB9B56E8] -
21k9 - Download x64 [md5:F6DF189C967E98F00CB7046EA4F4BE56] -
21k9 - Download x86 [md5:B468ED773F247BA0138ABC37D97BD30F] -

Known issues:
1) possible changes to monitor volume over vac has resulted in reports that rear speaker jacks may be muted until a vfo change is made (only reported from 8000 users at this stage)
2) mon & mon volume over vac does not work when vfob TX on a single rx
3) all sorts of attenuation display offset issues exist for RX1/RX2 if the DDCs are configured to share the same ADC's
4) TCI is in its infancy, as such many features are missing, including xit/rit, sensors, audio/iq over the stream, and others
5) If you use increased font size for accessibility reasons or a theme with larger fonts, VFOA/B may be obscured by the menu bar (very old issue)

  • Expand the contents of the zip (all files) over the top of your existing files in your install folder. Make a backup of the files before replacing if you so desire. This assumes you have a working 2.8.11 install from the TAPR disro or a previously updated working version.
  • Backup your database.xml !!!!!!!
  • IMPORTANT: When you launch the new version you will be notified if you need to perform a database update. Please follow the instructions on screen.
  • Skins:
    There are various new buttons, if you see white squares where the buttons should be then you need an updated skin.
    W1AEX Rob Skins -
    OE3IDE Ernst Skins -
    My modified IK3VIG buttons -


fix: cursor NorthSouth was being shown outside panafall mode (the splitter drag cursor)
fix: N1MM offset issue fixed (due to lack of accuracy in low/high frequency info sent with the n1mm xml data)
add: infoBar hide SEQ error option (option-2 tab)
change: some changes to the init & resize directX code
change: system only display of cpu% (Thetis only has memory leak and is under investigation)
change: KenwoodAI command broadcast functions moved into delegate system
change: PA volts + amps samples are read more 'uniformly' over the sample period

fix: rare edge case crash in ucVARGrapher

fix: right click delete notch popup will show on top of the main window if the main window is set to always on top
fix: VFOSync will sync rx2 filter if needed when initially switched on
fix: memory entries now select tx frequency. This was not happening for FM. Also, this is made after split is recovered from a memory setting
fix: issue with multiRX at startup fixed (caused by forceaudio changes back in jul21)
fix: repeater shift MHz is limited to 0-50MHz (cat/memory/etc)
fix: mouse cursor Hz display now correct for RX1/RX2 (was not considering RX2 centre frequency or ctun state)]
fix: waterfall duration seconds display for both rx1 + rx2 now shows correct values based on frame rate and waterfall speed
fix: dBm readout for rx2 now display expected values
fix: rare display crash fix related to colour and alpha changes made via setup
fix: PS 'Correcting' should show again on main ui if PS-A is toggled and PS is in correcting state
fix: infrequently when vac is disabled and the driver is ASIO an exception cant be thrown. Thread.Sleep(10) to 'resolve' the issue until further investigation on VAC enabled=false
fix: on startup if mute is enabled it will not mute vacs if 'mute will mute vac' is unchecked
fix: directX has had many potential resource leak issues fixed, and now reports no outstanding directX object references when shutdown
fix: memory form no longer selects 1st entry when shown
fix: turning off SD will only recover old vfoB frequency if VFOSync is off. Otherwise, doing so would cause vfoA to align to vfoB
fix: display buffers cleared when display mode is changed, prevents incorrect being displayed from old display such as histogram
fix: audio scope buffer could cause crash when viewed and window resized, now resolved
fix: render thread not using getPixels data ready flag correctly. If you had phase displayed on rx1, rx2 would not show pan adaptor
fix: CW tx buffers assigned to previous mode selected so that additional lag is not created during mode swap to CW
fix: fixes for N1MM reduced display when using decim, and RX2 problems
fix: QSKEnabled setter for the disabled state where it did not turn off cwsidetone when disabling qsk if it needed to
fix: turning off QSK will keep the side tone quiet if it is disabled
fix: clean up of start up process and the grey window is finally banished !
fix: correct DIGL/U dsp filter type now used for tx, was previously using the rx type
fix: speed improvements to the swapping of TX profiles
fix: RX2 should now use VAC2 TX audio reliably if 'Use VAC2 on Split' option is checked in the VAC2 tab
fix: PS client side state machine prevented from turning off autoCal when it needs to stay on. Fixes issue with PS not calibrating when PS-A button is cycled outside TX
fix: fixed issue with potential crash if you deleted a skin that was previously in use and was using a background image
partial fix: when using VAC1/2 you can now adjust the MON level by dragging the Master AF. Note: no audio when using split on RX1.
fix: can now save profiles with apostrophes in the name
fix: cw modes will no longer 'walk' up/down when 'click tune drag' option is off.
add: circular/angular mean added to phase display (option)
add: fill or line mode for active peak
add: option to limit CTUN drag to spectral area, for everything or just a mouse drag
add: drop speed for active peaks and peak blobs, in dBm/second
add: zoom to band. Only works if in CTUN. Note: will only zoom out if the band can not fit into the sample rate selected
add: enable/disable un-mute when rx af sliders are dragged option (new options tab in audio section)
add: option for MHz and/or seconds/dbm/filter on the mouse cursor when in spectral area. When disabled you can hold shift to show on demand
add: limit filters to sidebands option. Prevents crossing the 0 point with certain filters, shifts are also restricted
add: dragging AM/DSB/SAM/SPEC filter edge with Shift held, will match the other side
add: decimation added to display engine. This can be used to reduce the amount of getPixel data and consequently speed up render with a reduction in resolution/
add: TCPIP cat server. 30 seconds of inactivity and the connection will be dropped
add: quick attenuate option added to ps form. If PS auto-atten is on and this is enabled, ps feedback calculations will be made 5 times more often
add: ignore 0beat adjust if drag within a filter when in CTUN on
add: TCI server support. Basic commands only. No stream audio/iq support.
add: time taken to perform dsp change is displayed in DSP settings for debug purposes
add: warnings added to setup-dsp if settings do not match. Remember, if a mode uses a different TX profile, that profile may have different dsp settings as well, causing additional rebuild time
add: TCPIP cat server now outputs # message when you initially connect, and has client connection count in setup
add: quick attenuate response option added in PS Advanced linearity window. When selected feedback level is sampled at 20ms instead of 100ms
add: ZTB can be switched into a Store/Recall setup, where you can store centre frequency, pan and zoom per band. ZTB will switch CTUN on
add: ZTB cat command ZZZT0 recall ZTB, ZZZT1 store ZTB. query using ZZZT; will return 1 if ZTB option is set to Store/Recall mode, 0 if zoom to bandwidth
add: midi for ZZZT
add: ZZZQ + ZZZR for auto agc control over cat. ZZZQ0; rx1 off, ZZZQ1; rx1 on. ZZZR0; rx2 off, ZZZR1; rx2 on. ZZZQ; or ZZZR; to query
add: midi for ZZZQ and ZZZR (toggles)
add: new spot display system, which is only used by TCI currently. May be integrated with existing spot system eventually
//add: directX legacy buffer option added // HIDDEN
add: Thetis version timeout added (this version times out on 1st June 2022)
add: ZZZM cat command returns current hardware model string
add: ZZZV cat command returns version detail string
add: RBW (Resolution BandWidth) is shown on page2 of the new infoBar. Click the bar to cycle pages. (more info to come over time)
add: logs for TCPIPcat and TCI
add: small coloured grid will show below VAC1/VAC2 buttons if there are any overflows/underruns, option in Audio-Options to make persistent
add: dB tooltips now show on EQ and CFC sliders
add: option to use outlined cross cursor in options-2 page. To get around systems that have issues with single colour cursors that use XOR over DirectX targets
add: options to swap red/blue PS-A colours and show/hide PS-A feedback level (from WDSP.GetPSInfo[4]) in options-2 page. Can also left/right click FB in infobar to do the same
add: PSpeak will be saved if you adjust it, default button to reset it (linearity form)
add: ext 10MHz ref option in Calibration tab. You can preserve a calibration factor that you might want to use when the external ref is off
add: manual notches are now included in database merge (upgrading from old db)
add: save/load of gradient colours
change: moved over to VS2022 as the ide
change: new wdsp release
change: PS client loops do not run if power off
change: mouse wheel adjustment on AGC sliders will disable AGC Noisefloor compensation
change: var ratio is shown even if force is enabled. You can see what is happening even if not used (reverts change made in 21k4)
change: moved DirectX over to a two buffer swapchain. UI events seem to be improved
change: added DX feature level support from 9_1 all the way up to 12_1. Will use the highest available on the default adaptor
change: Set antenna bits networkIO command only called if bits are different to last sent
change: need to hold shift to drag shift the whole filter in CTUN off and CTUN on modes. See vid :
change: deferred DSP updates so that each txprofile setting does not cause another update
change: mode specific panel on main UI screen changed to hide those that are not in use. Was causing unexplained lag when using bringtofront
change: auto noise floor calculations have been improved to consider fftsize / samplerate
change: 31dB TX attenuation is now only applied when PS-A is off, and mode is CW when tx'ing
change: rework of cursors
change: Use Peak Meter Readings for TX COMP and ALC check box moved into ALC section of DSP tab
change: second wdsp update - (1) minor changes to ease builds for non-Windows platforms, and (2) changes to improve display frequency accuracy for high zoom situations
change: re-work and complete new implementation of info bar below display
change: adding a notch with +MNF will add it in the middle of the sideband instead of at 0beat. If filter is symmetrical, it will be inserted in middle of the hf side. CTRL right click still adds at cursor
change: Correcting in bright green will be turned to a dim green when mox is off
#Stand up for Ukraine#
change: the Ukranian flag will show on the waterfall at startup, and then from time to time. Clicking it will hide it

fix: dragging passband filter edges updates VAR1 with current low or high before the switch. Prevents recall of other side of filter
fix: dragging whole filter (shift) does not highlight edges when approaching them
fix: CTUN issues when not using Panafall/Waterfall/Panascope/Panadapter resolved. Also fixes issues with phase display and changing frequency when in CTUN
fix: DUP now works when using Panascope for RX1
fix: RX signal history now shown in meter when TX meter is Fwd SWR
fix: re-work of duplex/non duplex/ctun/non ctun to handle split. Filters/zeroline should now be in the correct place in the spectrum when in split.
fix: DUP off dBm gain issue for rx2 resolved
fix: thread safe notch deletion
change: dragging agc gain slider, clicking G-/F-, changing gain via midi/cat/memory/andromeda slider window will cause 'auto agc' to turn off
change: dither + random are enabled on fresh install
change: -G/F becomes -Ga/-Fa if 'auto agc' is enabled
change: all tx profile settings are checked for change
change: live CFC compression view now uses peak-decay algorithm from Warren
change: PS loop(s) are now in own thread instead of a UI timer(s)
change: enable keyboard shortcuts option moved to keyboard tab
change: using shortcut ctrl-f/alt-f will select var1 filter
change: increased step size for ctrl-F/alt-F from 10hz to 50hz
change: K/L keyboard shortcuts moved to ctrl-J/alt-J as they could conflict with a user keyboard definition
change: ctrl-J/alt-J keyboard shortcuts now select var1 filter
change: qsk using rx1hangthreshold. ToDo - rx2 hang threshold should be used if rx2 split tx?
change: speed of noise floor acquisition improved
change: peak blob and active peak display are temporarily hidden under certain conditions
add: ptt keyboard short cut code added. Use same key for pttRX+pttTX if you want ptt toggle


fix: mute state applied on startup
change: if waterfall is set to be compensated by NF then it ignores the 'fast attack mode'
add: live CFC compression view when transmitting in Setup->DSP->CFC
change: rx1 or rx2 fft size used in all SetRXAAGCThresh/GetRXAAGCThresh calls throughout Thetis. Previously was 4096 always
change: adjusting an RX1/2 AF slider will turn remove MUT if muted
change: reverted back to directX feature level 10_0


fix: rx2 now shows correct noise floor value, just a cosmetic
add: waterfall AGC option now has [Noise Floor Compensation] and [AGC Offset] in Setup->Display->RX1/2


fix: prevented agc sliders move on mox if auto agc system on
fix: very old bug in resize code that under some conditions would prevent the display from rendering. Display would freeze until another resize happened. This was noticed when doing some 250% desktop scale tests.
fix: auto agc considers calibration offsets, fixes problems with 6m, xvtr, etc
fix: issues with rx2 G- slider fixed (previously using rx1 sample rate in calcs)
change: some functions in wdsp modified to balance leavecritical sections (identified by VisualStudio code analysis)
change: noise floor line drawn similar to G- and H- lines
change: noise foor now also calculated if only waterfall shown
change: when switching bands, moving more than 500kHz from centre frequency, or changing attenuation, noise floor estimation will go into 'fast attack' for 3 seconds, during which it will show as grey if you have it shown on the panadapter. During this time no agc changes are made
change: old varRatio initialisation changes. This may be removed in future as quote for Warren : [I don't think it will help much to try to set 'var'. It is frequently recalculated in the code; so, whatever it's set to will disappear quickly.]
add: noise floor display options in setup->appearance->rx display


fix: fixed var ratios fixed flag which were incorrectly reset on a ringmatch create
change: if using fixed var ratio, the var ratio displayed in vac monitor will reflect this fixed value, as it is the value used by the variable resampler


fix: display may go black when resized
add: xPA override for OC RX pins
add: AGC/RF gain slider thumb will highlight green if auto AGC on
add: right click AGC/RF slider to toggle auto agc
add: right click on RX/TX eq buttons will show eq form
add: right click ps-a button opens linearity form
add: right click TUN opens setup + transmit tab
add: right click 2TON opens setup + test tab
add: right click xPA opens setup + pins tab
add: attack time for auto agc noise floor estimation. Defines the 'speed' at which the smoothed noise floor moves
change: xPA button will always disable on TX if [allow hot switch] if off in OC setup
change: improvement to initial noise floor state


fix: transverter gain is removed before adjusting the agc in auto agc mode


fix: penny prevented from setting OC pins if [Ext Control] is disabled
add: xPA button can not be switched on during transmission if [allow hot switching] is turned off in OC control setup
add: noise floor is now estimated in pandapter/panafall views. This can be shown as a dotted line (red) on both RX1 and RX2. Can be shown/hidden with option in Setup->Display->RX1/2
add: auto agc options added to AGC/ALC setup tab. This is experimental and relies on panadapter noise floor calcs
change: ocTX pins disable preventing adjustment during transmission if [allow hot switching] is turned off in OC control setup
change: peak blobs show snr (peak against noise floor) in brackets instead of index number if noise floor is shown
change: change to DirectX draw surface resizing. This will now happen before the next frame due to be rendered.


add: options to include VACs when MUTE is enabled, for both vac1 and vac2 (Setup->Audio->VAC1/2->[Mute will mute VAC] )
change: removed the 1db midi waterfall step option


fix: vac advanced slew setting now updated when the setting is changed in setupform
fix: penny now told when TX VFOb, so will now pick correct VFOb band for OC pin assignments
fix: labels on VFOB box show correct mode and filter when RX1 is the only rx in use
fix: when leaving TUN the TX meter will now show the correct meter. Caused when TX meter and TUN meter were the same
fix: if in DIGU/L and a TX profile is loaded we now turn off TXeq/dexp/leveler/comp/rxeq/anf/nr/cessb/cfc/phaserot
fix: when selecting a transverter from VHF+ button, if there are no stack entries you will be taken to middle of the transverter range. Previously it would take you to 0MHz
add: additional advanced audio settings exposed
add: OC tx pinout action. Can specify when a pin will enable, based on mox, tune or 2tone state
add: hardware pin state shown on OC setup tabs. green 'leds' for rx state, red for tx state
add: xPA button appears on main console if you have any OC TX pin set as an externalPA control in OC control. This button acts as a master control for any pin assigned as an externalPA pin. When the button is off the pin will always be 0. (button name 'chkExternalPA' for skin makers)
add: RX1 + RX2 mute button now mutes audio over VAC
add: diversity form, always on top option
add: tune step is stored against mode, and recovered when mode is changed. Also new option to enable this in Options, default off. Note, only works with RX1 at this time.
add: 1dB midi waterfall option adjustment added (setup->cat control->cat ... under the config midi button)
add: external PA cat command ZZUP, and midi button to enable/disable xPA button


fix: rx2 using xvtr and CTUN caused a shift problem. CentreFrequency was not being adjusted by XVTR LO in some cases
fix: setupform will show if previously minimised and you select setup from menu bar
fix: issues with filter width drag on RX1 when RX2 was shifted from the same centre frequency as RX1
add: re-sampler var ratio graphs on audio tab


fix: alignment/size of AM/SAM/FM/etc txprofile combo box fixed on main console


fix: 31/61dB step attenuator issue hopefully resolved. anan-100 was included in the 31 set
fix: RX2 was missed for the CTRL to SHIFT change made in 21g. RX2 scale is now linked to RX1 if SHIFT is held and it is dragged in the spectrum
fix: andromeda button bar [change antenna] function reworked. Will only change to antennas that have TX enabled - code by G8NJJ
fix: RX2 cat ZZBA command now moves down from 12m to 15m as expected
fix: RX2 cat band/up down commands can now move to band that has no band stack entries
add: RMS detector added to panadapter display for RX1, RX2 and TX - Warren NR0V
add: ringbuffer size, number in the buffer, and % in use now displayed in VAC monitor
add: checkbox to tweak NetworkThrottleIndex registry entry in Setup->General->H/W Select tab, in the network settings group. Note: Thetis needs to be running as Administrator to make any change to this registry entry. State is read from registry.
add: option to close band stack window when entry selected
add: band stack entries can be shown in the spectrum (rx1 only), option is in BandStack2 options section. Colour can be changed in Setting->Appearance->RX Display. They only show for the current bandstack. They can be selected with a mouse click. Doing so will not update a stack entry that you might be leaving
add: filter edges are highlighted by mouse when you are able to drag them
add: you can now resize filter in CTUN by hovering mouse on an edge and dragging
add: new Advanced audio tab. More settings will appear here over time
add: midi TX filter low/high support (wheels) - code Sigi / DH1KLM
change: spectrum grid step is used when adjusting min/max of grid with the mouse by dragging the scales. Previously was a fixed 5dB
change: n1mm udp spectrum efficiency improvements
change: P1 time out code changed slightly
change: now no longer possible to select a tune meter mode from main console that is not in the setup->transmit Tune TX Meter list when you are actively tuning


fix: issue with \ being removed from -datapath fixed, and cleaned use of AppDataPath internally, thanks DL2XY
fix: scope2 top scope now works as expected (incorrect array counter being used)
fix: scope now renders in DX2 correctly using filled geometry
fix: scope views now work again in TX mode (spectra scope panadapter issue still exists - todo)
fix: TX EQ is now applied when changing TX profile. Previously you needed to move a TX EQ slider to make it happen. This also fixes start up problems where the TX EQ was not applied.
fix: P1 closedown issue resolved. Related to a fix made in 21a that made a change to ForceReset (please see 21a notes)
fix: fixed the checkVersion() function related to wdsp where the wdsp.dll version checks had been commented out. Now *10 for the wsdp version.c version number to match Versions.cs
fix: P1 will now time out and update the client to the powered off state if connection is lost. This was apparent when switching off the radio whilst the client was running, it would move into a non responsive state.
fix: 31/61dB step attenuation should be working again for radios such as 200D's. Previously would stop at 31dB visually although it would be changing if you clicked up beyond 31.
fix: tx/rx gain upper limit capped to 40dB in VAC1 cat commands for both TX/RX. Brings it inline with VAC2. Change by Sigi DH1KLM
add: FW version added to title bar
add: TX EQ button on front end now included when showing highlighted tx profile save items
add: midi command support for 2Tone that internally uses ZZUT
fix: ZZBT now changes RX2 band correctly
add: lots of midi commands (20+) added with source from Sigi DH1KLM, majority apply to RX2 but there are others
PS-A On Off, Move VFOB Down 100Khz, Move VFOB Up 100Khz, Close Thetis, Toggle TX VFOA VFOB, TUN Power Level
For RX2
Mode Next, Mode Previous, Filter Wider, Filter Narrower, AGC Mode Up, AGC Mode Down, CTU On Off, Mode SSB
Mode LSB, Mode USB, Mode DSB, Mode CW, Mode CWL, Mode CWU, Mode FM, Mode AM, Mode DIGU, Mode DIGL, Mode SAM
Mode DRM, AGC Mode, Squelch On Off, Squelch Level
change: all console MessageBox popups are now TOPMOST. Should fix issues where DB udpates and the like show message boxes below the console window and are subsequently 'hidden'
change: gdi+ engine support removed
change: changed CTRL to SHIFT key when dragging min/max grids on panafall to link the two RX's. Previously conflicting with CTRL-right click for notch add
change: x86 and x64 now used in title bar instead of 32/62bit


fix: band stack 1 of # numbers now change when you select an entry in the stack list by mouse click
fix: notch popup prevented when adding new (CTRL right click)
fix: more colours fixed for the small info in VFOA/B boxes
add: gain multiplier added to diversity form
add: default ip:port button for N1mm spectrum (cat->UI)
change: quickrecall <V> get removed if images are being used from a skin
change: changes to custom hang threshold - need to test custom agc is active at thetis start
change: mic mute state is saved/loaded with TX profile, all other changes to it have been prevented (requires DB update)


fix: status bar item widths now forced in code as designer was not setting widths correctly
fix: background colour fix for Advanced button in PS form
add: band edges added for 1/2/3 region if you have those selected and extended turned off
add: ignore dupes option for bandstack filter added. If the frequency is already in the list, the slot you are leaving will not be updated at all
add: RX assignments shown on ADC setup page. This is changed by being in different states, such as MOX/Diversity/PS
add: Manual notch support for transverters. Notches limited by xvter coverage
add: option to highlight anything that is stored as part of a TX profile
change: active band display for RX2 grid min/max in setup changed to handle all bands
change: change to the way bands are obtained from frequency for vfob/rx2
change: Use CTRL right click to add notch 200Hz wide. CTRL+SHIFT right click 100Hz wide. Changed from middle mouse when in crosshair mode. Still use middle to enabled/disable or shift middle to quick delete. Right mouse over a highlighted notch will show menu


fix: small fix if using single rx and using vfoB
fix: removing the 'has focus' check on the filter low/high checkboxes was a bad idea. This has now been returned, and mouse over detection implemented instead. Multiple updates are made to those number boxes and they had some 'had focus' wrapper to prevent this from filtering deeper.
fix: anomaly with default gradient when cancel used, resolved
fix: cat/midi band up/down control & collapsed mode band control should now have returned
fix: 6m gain offset was not removed when leaving 6m


fix: rx2 should now show correct band, and not update if it has focus when rx1's band is changed
fix: couple of checkboxes on CW panel
fix: low cut applied from setup to filters, noticed when pressing reset
add: recovers old db bandstack entry lock state
change: RA now writes to .... \Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\OpenHPSDR\Thetis or Thetis-x64


fix: hopefully chkVACStereo will not be grey
fix: VFOb filter changes do not update stack entries related to VFOa
change: reverted all changes to step attenuation


fix: VFOA/B lock buttons disabled when in MOX. Prevents you changing state in this mode
fix: rx1/rx2 no longer hard to see which one is selected in collapsed view
fix: chkVACStereo should not show grey background
fix: startup should select correct mode filter from stack if there was one
fix: deleting an entry in bandstack will move vfo to next entry if one exist
add: update option on bandstack entry. Needs to be unlocked. Apply changes without having to leave the entry (not tested)
add: option in test section of setup that enables mouse over info for control names (note: it will also return hidden control names, and will not 'go below' if something is invisible but covering something)
change: some changes to the adc/ddc detection use in attenuation (not P1 tested)


fix: can now enter value for the high setting of a filter
fix: filter config window now is shown when selected from popup menu
fix: mode/band is disabled after returning from mox/ptt when rx1 has vfo lock
fix: colour is restored if cancel is pressed for the linear gradient
change: bandstack window is put to top when selecting bandstack window so you can recover the window if behind the console window


fix: 0-beat now works when in CTUN mode. The peak detect function did not adjust for centre frequency offset in FindPeakFreqInPassband
fix: fixed issues with restoring old vfob frequency when switching out of SD. This caused issues when selecting VAC2 and other things.
fix: lots of start state problems with display engine for items such as filter, zero lines etc. Should now start up as expected and not show RX filter for example if unchecked in setup. If things are missing you need to find the option to turn it back on.
fix: some buttons on the main console were set to TRUE which would prevent changed events happening if we actually restored them from TRUE from the db
fix: changes to spec min/max settings in setup are applied to the waterfall in min/max spec mode. This also fixes issues where CAT commands change the grid min/max values
fix: peak blobs issue where init would not reset dBms to minimum. They should now show up if you increase the number shown after a restart.
fix: using mouse wheel on vfoa/b/sub boxes would introduce rounding error on adjusted frequency. This was noticed in DSB phase testing when reducing in 1Hz step would sometimes introduce 2. Fixed with rounding.
fix: fixed problems with shift/control up down state. Now uses keyboard state instead of keydown/up in thetis events. L and R versions of the buttons are treated as one.
fix: fixed possible crash issue when using N1MM++ focus master mode
fix: waterfall line/filter/etc checkboxes state fix. They were not being forced after settings obtained from the DB
fix: fix issue where controls that had been clicked and now unselected show as different text colour when became disabled such as bands/modes when in TX (OE3IDE spotted this)
fix: spectrum AGC/HOLD lines not being shown even if ticked from new db install
fix: attenuation now applied to correct ADC for each of RX1 and RX2 depending on your DDC config
fix: windows drop shadow size is removed when saving the console location and size if in maximised state, prevents the window from going outside the current screen
fix: mute background in vfos now changed to vfo background colour
fix: icon should return to the taskbar
fix: should now be able to use TUN on band edge
fix: cw shifts were not applied before band edge checks
fix: moved swr text down slighly on swr/pwr meter tx meter. The top Was previously cut off
change: BIG change to SetupForm Cancel button. Now only recovers setting that have 'changed'. Special settings like grid min/max are only classed as changed if you change them in the setup form.
change: Firmware version info changed to now include patch in the form of <major>.<minor>.<patch>. P2 will also show the version of the P2 protocol in use.
change: PA tool tip
change: quickrecall aligns text entries on first .
change: thetis restores window state. If maximised it will return maximised, everything else will return in normal state
change: Var1 and Var2 filters no longer need focus to mouse wheel change them (this code could all do with an update as it seems very 'laggy' to mouse wheel)
add: highlight quickrecall rows with mouse over
add: option to link CTUN when using VFOSync. Clicking either CTUN button will set the other to the same state if this option is enabled. Enabling vfosync will check RX1 and set RX2 if the option is on.
add: linear gradient now has option to include/exclude DataLine
add: dBm tooltips on gradient 'blobs' in the linear gradient user control
add: pll lock status for P2 shown in firmware section in setup
add: new band stack system (work in progress)
add: warnings when over region/extended control in setup
add: basic colour copy/paste from Liner Gradient control. To use, click node0 (left most) of the colour gradient control and use CTRL-C and CTRL-V to copy and paste colour as TEXT. A simple method at the moment to share colour layouts. Whilst the input is parsed, it is not infallable so beware. A better method will be introduced eventually.
add: limit spots reported by EU only option
add: auto reconnect spotting system at start up option. NOTE: cluster url:port selected for autostart is only saved if you manually connect to it at least once.
add: auto start tracking from spots system. If you shut down with it on, it will resume on restart. Please note, that if you have sun/greyline tracking ticked on, they will run in the background anyway even with track button off.
add: opacity% setup option for each waterfall
add: N1MM spectrum output for RX1 and RX2. If you have this running it will show on status bar. Available in setup->cat->user interface
add: hold CTRL when adjusting RX1 or RX2 min/max grid on the left area of spectrum, and the other RX will follow


fix: CTUN return to correct position, issue introduced with 21b. Section of code removed that shouldn't have been.
fix: At startup centre frequencies were not being recovered correctly. They are now applied which should result in display restoring to where you shut down if rx's were in CTUN mode
change: can now scale the diversity form


fix: panafall gradient 0 node selected on startup
fix: RX2 EQ is now applied
fix: -72 becomes -73 in linear grad control
fix: default gradient applies alpha
fix: changes to startup screen location/size fixes btnHidden (yellow button) initial position problem when at minimum size
fix: crash on diversity form if locks used and values entered into related number boxes. Caused by recursive event issue.
fix: default resolution selector now considers drop shadow when using 'Include Borders'
fix: Tune meter defaulted to Off on fresh DB install. Previously unset.
fix: you can now only add frequencies to the currently selected band's bandstack when using CTRL right click on band button. This prevents adding 7.150MHz to the 20m bandstack for example
fix: cursor frequency issues when in certain CTUN/DUP combinations resolved.
fix: disconnect will at least try to work in spot/cluster window now. Previously always needed to force disconnect.
fix: peak blobs not drawn if outside spectral areas
fix: title on expanded view when switching from collapsed uses custom title again
fix: crash prevented when values entered into locked diversity text boxes
fix: fixed various dup/ctun frequency calculation issues with mouse and peak detect in spectrum resolved
fix: cw shift applied when in RX and using a transverter in CTUN mode
fix: gradient colour picker thread safe (colour data locked whilst display is accessing it)
change: new peak detect algorithm for blobs based on
change: 'spot' is now 'greenyellow' when connected to cluster. Changed from blue which was quite dark on the menu bar
change: connect/disconnect/connecting... button state on spot/cluster window
change: peak blob fade has changed to Drop
change: peak blobs turned off in GDI+ for now
add: colour alpha on data line, also applied to linear gradient data line
add: new QuickRecall control for VFOA atm. Sit on a frequency for 4 seconds and it will be stored in the nonpersistent list (green flash). Change mode, and if in the list mode will be updated (orange flash). Use arrows to move up/down the list, or the drop down to select from the list. See vid :


fix: 7000dle now can be General RX only in setup. Control was previously hidden if 7000dle
fix: smeter history resets on band change, and power up. Ignores first 2 seconds until some meaningful smeter data is present
fix: dBm spectrum value now correct (bottom right when not using PS). Value was actually already in dBm, and didnt require pixeltodb conversion
fix: values load from DB before click/change/etc events happen on most controls now. This fixes the issues with FM SQL, AGC restoration, and other settings
fix: 7000d now supported in ZZFM cat msg (thanks DH1KLM)
fix: ForceReset of audio sample rates now work as intended. Previously would only reset if old and new sample rates were different (thanks pavel-demin)
fix: VFOAsubRX frequency (multiRX) is now stored in DB
fix: issues with VFOA and VFOB lost focus functions. Tidied up, removed recursion issue, fixed some signs. With dup off and CTUN enabled, RX position in spectral should now return after MOX off
fix: PS enabled with DUP off will now show in correct position in spectral display
fix: smeter below -124dbm when above 30mhz now shows correct S reading
fix: returned code to Alex checkbox in setup. Had been inadvertently commented some time ago
add: RB out, PA In and PA out settings now stored in TX profile. Previously only RB In was being stored (NOTE: make note of your current settings before updating the database, as these other three settings will be set to DB default)
fix: SD now tunes RX2 correctly, previously was only visual
fix: rx2 now restores waterfall spec min/max settings on start up
fix: panadaptor rx2 will now not draw over top of rx. Vertical extents are capped
fix: collapsed view restores BAND bar as expected. Caused by use of Control.Visible which will always return false if parent form is not shown (ie still initialising). Code repositioning the buttons was not run as was using .Visible as a check
fix: VFOb would not set frequency when entered by keys on collapsed display. btnHidden was not visible as it was in VFOA grp container which is hidden. Moved out and covered up by other controls dynamically
fix: compressed/expanded resize was not happening at startup, or the code to ensure Thetis on screen
fix: rx2 sql meter was not working. Paint event was unlinked somehow. Also now using rx2preamp offset instead of rx1preamp offset.
change: increase SWL array sizes (W2PA)
change: SD can now be used in CTUN mode (as well as click drag). Changing either VFOA or B when in SD mode will change the other vfo. Turning off SD will return VFOB. NOTE: at the moment vfoa is not restored if you change vfob.
change: the default ATT on TX is now 31 during QSK operation - 31 improves QSK performance (W2PA)
add: holding CTRL at start up will force a database update
add: options to turn off display warning 'leds'
add: yellow warning 'led' top left will show if GetPixels is unable to provide data for this render frame
add: setting to delay Freq2 from IMD/2Tone test (fixes issues with some amps and freq counter problems)
add: holding control when sliding either RX1 AF: or RX2 AF: sliders will also set the other. Does not apply to VOL sliders
add: 2tone button below TUN. Essentially remote use of Setup>-Tests->2Tone
add: TX profiles now store selected VAC device details. A setting in Setup->Transmit tab will enable them to be re-applied when a TX profile is selected (note driver/device text must match something in list). This is a global setting, not per tx profile.
add: panadaptor gradients for DirectX only
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby W9BHI » Fri Jun 18, 2021 3:08 am

Glad to see you are back!
64 bit, P2.
5) The band stack lock feature is not working, ( it may have never worked).
6) The signal db display on the bottom right of the pan adapter that was working , is now no longer working with the v2.8.11 version of Thetis.
I am sure there are more.
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby Tony EI7BMB » Fri Jun 18, 2021 9:36 am

Thanks for looking at these issues Richie
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby ramdor » Fri Jun 18, 2021 10:52 am

W9BHI wrote:Richie,

5) The band stack lock feature is not working, ( it may have never worked).


Hi Don,

Can you give some details about this? It seems to work here, all bands. The lock feature seems to work. I am wondering if perhaps your database is somewhat broken regarding the bandstack data.

Cheers, Richie.
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby w-u-2-o » Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:09 am

Hi Richie,

Great to have you back!!!

My biggest pet peeve right now is that VAC resampler initialization is not guaranteed to find a stable setting. It will often run wild and I need to open the VAC control panel and cycle a manual checkbox to force a VAC restart. I suspect this is more likely with very small buffer sizes.

Re: the other thread, I use two-tone all the time and a button would be welcome. Currently I have a DDUtil macro button set up as a work-around for this. Workflow is: change bands, tune (with tune power) for the autotuner, check/adjust amp drive and PS stability with two-tone, operate. The obvious place for the button is just below the TUN button (where a currently "invisible" button resides, I believe).

Also, I'm not a peak blobs guy, but I can appreciate why those who use that feature want to quickly switch it on and off. The obvious place for more spectral display controls is in a row just below the spectral display between the pan and zoom controls.

But I do agree with you it is past time for an entirely new UI. The DSP is a tour de force, few if any changes are required there. It's all about the UI.

I also run 100% remote, same as you. More detail on my station is available by clicking on the links at my page.


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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby DH1KLM » Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:52 am

1. Would be nice if the issue in the linked thread could also be fixed. viewtopic.php?f=9&t=3809
2. I like to ask if it is possible to bring back the "CTUN Scroll" checkbox like it is in PowerSDR mrx.
I liked this option very much since it prevents to move beyond the display edges, especialy when zooming in a whole band from edge to edge.
I know CTUN Scroll works also in Thetis, but without the possibilty to aviod scrolling beyond the edge of the spectral display.

options.png (163.91 KiB) Viewed 180689 times
73 de Sigi / DH1KLM
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby oe3ide » Fri Jun 18, 2021 12:35 pm

My biggest pet peeve right now is that VAC resampler initialization is not guaranteed to find a stable setting. It will often run wild and I need to open the VAC control panel and cycle a manual checkbox to force a VAC restart. I suspect this is more likely with very small buffer sizes.

I fully agree, a complete VAC-restart on tx-profile changing would be great. Here in my setup, changing the tx-profile often results in a distorted tx-audio, while rx-audio still clean & stable.

73 de Ernst
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby W9BHI » Fri Jun 18, 2021 2:42 pm

I used a fresh data base and still not working.
Screenshot (132).png
Screenshot (132).png (258.67 KiB) Viewed 180648 times

If I select a particular band stack and manually change VFO A up or down a few Khz. then by pressing the band button to scroll through the band stack, the original locked frequency does not come back up.
It appears that even though the original frequency in the band stack is locked, it gets over written when VFO A is changed.
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby Joe » Fri Jun 18, 2021 3:30 pm

Richie / Scott,
64 bit - Thetis

In regards to vac stabilization:
All local remote, ptt, etc.
I use motu m4
64 bit buffer
192 kHz sampling
“Gen Tab - FW set” @ highest setting

I have coded a reset button (if needed) but when Thetis starts I initiate a vac reset. It is a very unorthodox method but works for me - I use some timing to toggle a few settings automatically and reset back to optimum settings, happens fast. All I know is that it allows me to run Thetis with these settings. If any interest I will try to get info to Richie, I know for sure that he could sort this out correctly. Thanks to all, glad to hear from Richie.

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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby w9ac » Fri Jun 18, 2021 5:28 pm

w-u-2-o wrote:Hi Richie,

My biggest pet peeve right now is that VAC resampler initialization is not guaranteed to find a stable setting. It will often run wild and I need to open the VAC control panel and cycle a manual checkbox to force a VAC restart. I suspect this is more likely with very small buffer sizes.


Same finding here as I use very small buffer sizes and ASIO drivers. However, once stabilized it normally stays that way until VAC is disabled, then re-enabled. I typically see only 25-50 over/underflow counts in a six hour period; none cause audio issues.

Paul, W9AC
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby W4WMT » Fri Jun 18, 2021 6:48 pm

Joe wrote:VAC
I use motu m4
64 bit buffer
192 kHz sampling
“Gen Tab - FW set” @ highest setting

The ChannelMaster in Thetis always runs at 48 ksa/s.
What would be the motivation to run VAC1 (or VAC2) at 192k?

73, Bryan W4WMT
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby ramdor » Sat Jun 19, 2021 12:24 am

W9BHI wrote:Richie,
It appears that even though the original frequency in the band stack is locked, it gets over written when VFO A is changed.

Yep, perfect diagnosis Don. Fixed now. It was not taking into consideration locked state before doing an update to the entry. It would all look fine if you were not moving the vfo, just clicking on each entry in the stack.

Cheers, Richie.
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby W9BHI » Sat Jun 19, 2021 2:30 am

Thanks so much for jumping back in and addressing these issues.
It's like a breath of fresh air after so many months.
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby vk6cpu » Sat Jun 19, 2021 3:09 am

Minor issue : VFO A & B retain last frequency on power down and restart.
Sub receiver does not - on power up it resets to current lower limit of Rx1
All the best

Anan 8000 DLE, Thetis v2.9.0.8, Protocol 2 V2 1.18
INTEL i9 12900 64.0 GB Ram
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby W1JA » Sat Jun 19, 2021 11:58 am

Very glad to have you back Richie!

The Cancel button is setup dialogs does exactly what its tooltip says it does. (I'm about 1000 miles away from shack right now, traveling, so cannot run Thetis to quote the tooltip here.)

The cancel button resets the entire database back to the end of the previous session, so all operating changes in the current Thetis session are lost. It should just back out of the changes made in the current Setup session, only.

73, John W1JA
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby ramdor » Sat Jun 19, 2021 2:23 pm

W1JA wrote:
The cancel button resets the entire database back to the end of the previous session, so all operating changes in the current Thetis session are lost. It should just back out of the changes made in the current Setup session, only.

73, John W1JA


HI John, can you let me know how this is impacting the use of Thetis or what you are noticing that is causing issues?

Everything is stored from the setup form to the database.xml file when OK/Apply is pressed. If you hit cancel the options are recovered essentially undoing any option you have changed which would bring the setup back to the same state as it was when you opened it, essentially cancelling any changes in that Setup session. The caveat to that is if you hit apply everything is overwritten so cancel will not remove those things you just applied.

Other than the window vanishing, ok and apply do the same thing (give or take). Ahhhh it is a bit of mess for sure because any change you make there actually happens instantly anyway.

Last edited by ramdor on Sun Jun 20, 2021 2:15 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby w-u-2-o » Sat Jun 19, 2021 4:00 pm

W4WMT wrote:
Joe wrote:VAC
I use motu m4
64 bit buffer
192 kHz sampling
“Gen Tab - FW set” @ highest setting

The ChannelMaster in Thetis always runs at 48 ksa/s.
What would be the motivation to run VAC1 (or VAC2) at 192k?

73, Bryan W4WMT


The only reason to run faster sample rates is if you've bottomed the buffer setting at 64 and want even less latency. I.e. there's no point in running 192KHz with a buffer of 1024, since under those conditions you should be able to run 48KHz and a buffer of 256.

But if you've hit 64 at 48KHz and you've got an ultimate crypto-smashing system, you might be able to run 64 at 96 or 192KHz and thereby further lower latency.


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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby W3MMR » Mon Jun 21, 2021 11:40 am

W9BHI wrote:Richie,
I used a fresh data base and still not working.
Screenshot (132).png
If I select a particular band stack and manually change VFO A up or down a few Khz. then by pressing the band button to scroll through the band stack, the original locked frequency does not come back up.
It appears that even though the original frequency in the band stack is locked, it gets over written when VFO A is changed.

Same here Don
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby DO2ZA Erwin » Mon Jun 21, 2021 3:29 pm

Hy Ritchie,

very Nice that you are here again.

Please remember the 2-tone patch for the Acom PAs (Also for Experts)

And your beautiful TX Meter.

73 Erwin
Anan 7000DLE MK2 black, P.2 v2.1.18, WIN 10, 10.0.18362 (1903), i7-7700 @3.60 Ghz, 2x Monitor 24"@144 Hz and 1x 32" Monitor @120 FPS for Thetis
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby ramdor » Tue Jun 22, 2021 12:10 am

DO2ZA Erwin wrote:Please remember the 2-tone patch for the Acom PAs (Also for Experts)

And your beautiful TX Meter.

73 Erwin

HI Erwin,

Could you point me in the direction of the 2tone changes please, it has been a while ;)

Cheers, Richie.
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby DO2ZA Erwin » Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:34 pm

Hi Ritchie,

look here: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2593&p=7708&hilit=acom#p7708
I am not shure, but i think Walter has made a better Solution for his Thetis, i will ask him.

and here viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3811&p=14565&hilit=acom#p14565

73 Erwin
Anan 7000DLE MK2 black, P.2 v2.1.18, WIN 10, 10.0.18362 (1903), i7-7700 @3.60 Ghz, 2x Monitor 24"@144 Hz and 1x 32" Monitor @120 FPS for Thetis
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby N9VX » Tue Jun 22, 2021 10:33 pm

Running Thetis 2.8.9 x64 (x32 is same) on ANAN-100B protocol 1 (version 1.3) using W10 x64. Dell i5 desktop 8 gig ram, SS drive. 1 gig switch between radio and computer.

Bug: Random bad SSB TX audio reports, most TX is good, then a bad transmission occurs. Told it has a distorted echo sound. Has happened on 40, 60 and 17 meters with two different mics.

Been using the same setup on latest version of mRX and never a bad report.

Joe N9VX
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby w-u-2-o » Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:21 am

That does not require fixing, it is already fixed in that the user can select whatever two-tone pair they like. Indeed, I use 70 & 190 Hz instead of the standard 700 & 1900 Hz because it works just as well to set drive levels and test PureSignal while not making the "call of our people" on the air ;)
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby w-u-2-o » Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:26 am

N9VX wrote:Running Thetis 2.8.9 x64 (x32 is same) on ANAN-100B protocol 1 (version 1.3) using W10 x64. Dell i5 desktop 8 gig ram, SS drive. 1 gig switch between radio and computer.

Bug: Random bad SSB TX audio reports, most TX is good, then a bad transmission occurs. Told it has a distorted echo sound. Has happened on 40, 60 and 17 meters with two different mics.

Been using the same setup on latest version of mRX and never a bad report.

Joe N9VX
Are you running 2.8.9 or 2.8.11? If the former it's not relevant. In any event how can you know it's a bug in Thetis? Are any other Hermes 14 bit users experiencing the same problem? And, if they are, the description is not specific enough to track down a bug. Are you certain it's not merely a setup issue? Perhaps something to do with adjustments in the more advanced audio processing available in Thetis?
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby oe3ide » Wed Jun 23, 2021 6:14 am

Running Thetis 2.8.9 x64 (x32 is same) on ANAN-100B protocol 1 (version 1.3) using W10 x64. Dell i5 desktop 8 gig ram, SS drive. 1 gig switch between radio and computer.

Bug: Random bad SSB TX audio reports, most TX is good, then a bad transmission occurs. Told it has a distorted echo sound. Has happened on 40, 60 and 17 meters with two different mics.

Been using the same setup on latest version of mRX and never a bad report.

Joe N9VX

That sound exactly like my issue when switching tx-profiles.
@Joe: does this happen after you changed the tx-profile?
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby ramdor » Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:10 am

w-u-2-o wrote:

That does not require fixing, it is already fixed in that the user can select whatever two-tone pair they like. Indeed, I use 70 & 190 Hz instead of the standard 700 & 1900 Hz because it works just as well to set drive levels and test PureSignal while not making the "call of our people" on the air ;)

rgr Scott, although the change seems to be a delay on the second tone, some 250ms later the 2nd tone arrives. Whilst we could have an option to include a 2nd tone delay time, probably just best to leave as it is and bring those tones closer together with 70 and 190 as you say.

Cheers, Richie.
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby w-u-2-o » Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:47 am

Hi Richie,

Chalk and cheese, I think. The Acom amp's are the ones requiring sequenced two-tone, and that appears to be independent of the two-tone frequency assignments. Separately there appears to be an issue of certain Expert amp's requiring tone pairs other than the standard. The first issue would require some sort of sequencing option checkbox and perhaps an adjustable delay time. The second issue is already handled by the available options.


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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby N9VX » Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:41 pm

Running Thetis 2.8.9 x64 (x32 is same) on ANAN-100B protocol 1 (version 1.3) using W10 x64. Dell i5 desktop 8 gig ram, SS drive. 1 gig switch between radio and computer.

Bug: Random bad SSB TX audio reports, most TX is good, then a bad transmission occurs. Told it has a distorted echo sound. Has happened on 40, 60 and 17 meters with two different mics.

Been using the same setup on latest version of mRX and never a bad report.

Joe N9VX
Are you running 2.8.9 or 2.8.11? If the former it's not relevant. In any event how can you know it's a bug in Thetis? Are any other Hermes 14 bit users experiencing the same problem? And, if they are, the description is not specific enough to track down a bug. Are you certain it's not merely a setup issue? Perhaps something to do with adjustments in the more advanced audio processing available in Thetis?
I am running 2.8.11, I copied the post I made months ago when I was running 2.8.9. The problem occurs if I am only using the 1st EQ and other things are off like CFC, DEXP, CESSB over shoot OR it happens if running Full CFC, 1st EQ and DEXP. Today running Thetis 64 bit had two QSOs and it happen randomly in both. People say it has a echo, distorted sound. Have talked to other ANAN-100B owners running Protocol 1 and Thetis with the same issue,

Joe N9VX
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby w-u-2-o » Wed Jun 23, 2021 4:08 pm

N9VX wrote:I am running 2.8.11, I copied the post I made months ago when I was running 2.8.9. The problem occurs if I am only using the 1st EQ and other things are off like CFC, DEXP, CESSB over shoot OR it happens if running Full CFC, 1st EQ and DEXP. Today running Thetis 64 bit had two QSOs and it happen randomly in both. People say it has a echo, distorted sound. Have talked to other ANAN-100B owners running Protocol 1 and Thetis with the same issue.
It is not possible to get any echo from the code. Echo is always associated with RFI in the shack. When running any compression, like CFC, or the old COMP (not recommended--CFC is far superior) that can make it a lot worse and more noticeable.

The reason that RFI sounds like echo with our radios is because the shortest transmit latency you can achieve with our radios is around 30ms, and with any processing turned on more like 100ms, and that delay makes for some perfect echo (some would call it reverb) as the RF wraps back around into your microphone signal.

If you have echo you need to find and fix your RFI problem. Sometimes all it takes is a ferrite on the microphone cable where it plugs into the mic input.
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Re: Thetis v2.8.11 - current issues

Postby N9VX » Wed Jun 23, 2021 4:41 pm

This problem NEVER happens when running mRX, so what is it about Thetis that is causing RF in the audio?

Joe N9VX

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