7000DLE MKIII - Stopped Receiving or Transmitting

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7000DLE MKIII - Stopped Receiving or Transmitting

Postby Torrey » Sat May 27, 2023 5:46 pm

Today, I was perusing the Thetis menus... I clicked the box titled "receive only". When I went to unclick the box, I got a warning that doing so might damage the ANAN hardware. "Scary" indeed. But I had no other choice. Thereafter, Thetis booted up normally. All the buttons worked normally. I could monitor my voice. Two tone displays on the screen. However, it quickly became apparent that there was no receive and no transmit power out. The thesis power meter did indicate power output of about 800 mW. I reinstalled Thetis v2.9.0.31 with no change.

What else can I do? Perhaps a reinstall of Protocol 1 firmware? :cry:
I purchased it and received it in late January 2023. It should be under warranty.

Thanks to all.
73 Torrey N9PY

PS: reinstalled Protocol 1 firmware...no change.
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Re: 7000DLE MKIII - Stopped Receiving or Transmitting

Postby w-u-2-o » Sat May 27, 2023 7:35 pm

Uninstall the app.

Delete or, if you want to keep a copy, rename the following folder:

C:\Users\<your windows username goes here>\AppData\Roaming\OpenHPSDR\Thetis-x64

Reinstall and start from scratch.
Posts: 44
Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2023 11:57 pm
Location: West Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Re: 7000DLE MKIII - Stopped Receiving or Transmitting

Postby Torrey » Sun May 28, 2023 4:26 am

Thanks so much!
Followed your instructions and all is good.
You did me a favor. In the process of setting up my 7000 in the last four months. I made a least a half dozen errors I made in setup after initially "speed reading" through the manual. My "bugs" in operation have been fixed as I read and re-read manual.

73 Torrey N9PY

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