Hermes Lite, Thetis, UMC 202HD, VM Potato and WSJT no audio

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Hermes Lite, Thetis, UMC 202HD, VM Potato and WSJT no audio

Postby CT2IRY » Sat Apr 06, 2024 10:13 pm

Hi guys, for the sake of me, I spend all the afternoon trying to make the connections between Hermes Lite2 Thetos, UMC202HD, VM Potato and WSJT but cant seem to find a way to all work together, even reading all the tuturials in here.

In Thetis, under Audio, I've selected ASIO, then I've the following options:
See attach file.

On Voicemeter Potato, under Stereo Inputs, only sho the Behringer UMC, in MME, ASIO is grey out.

Under Hardware Out A1 I choose UMC ASIO Driver

In WSJT under input shows only the following on attach 2.

And under Output the attach 3

Can someone give a hand on this, maybe with Any Desk, because I cant seem to find my way around VM Potato.
Captura de ecrã 2024-04-06 235530.png
Captura de ecrã 2024-04-06 235530.png (22.79 KiB) Viewed 4637 times
Captura de ecrã 2024-04-06 235337.png
Captura de ecrã 2024-04-06 235337.png (29.53 KiB) Viewed 4637 times
Captura de ecrã 2024-04-06 234814.png
Captura de ecrã 2024-04-06 234814.png (61.33 KiB) Viewed 4637 times
Nuno, CT2IRY
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Re: Hermes Lite, Thetis, UMC 202HD, VM Potato and WSJT no audio

Postby w-u-2-o » Sun Apr 07, 2024 2:09 pm

That it's an HL2 does not matter.

Let's take this one step at a time.

Part of the problem is that Voicemeeter naming conventions can be confusing.

Step one, get audio moving out of Thetis, through Voicemeeter, to the UMC202.

- Your choice of UMC ASIO for Hardware Out A1 is correct.

- Set Thetis to use ASIO and set Voicemeeter Virtual ASIO for both input and output. Note, this corresponds to channel strip B1 in Voicemeeter, marked "Voicemeeter Input".

- On channel strip B1, enable the A1 "send" button. This will send audio from Thetis on B1 to the UMC202 on A1.

- Leave all the sliders in Voicemeeter set to 0dB.

- In Thetis make sure VAC1 is activated and that Master AF and RX1 AF are set to 100. Set VAC gains to 0. Turn on VAC stereo checkbox.

- Make sure WSJT-X is NOT running.

- Plug in some speakers or headphones to the UMC and see if you are getting good audio from Thetis. Adjust volume with the main and headphone volume knobs on the UMC.

When you get that far post here and then we can move to step 2.
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Re: Hermes Lite, Thetis, UMC 202HD, VM Potato and WSJT no audio

Postby CT2IRY » Sun Apr 07, 2024 5:34 pm

Hi Scott,

Thanks for your input.

I follow your steps and I'm getting audio out on the headphones of the UMC.

Attach are screenshot's of the config till now by your steps, can yopu confirm that it's all good.

Thetis VAC config
Captura de ecrã 2024-04-07 182913.png
Thetis VAC
Captura de ecrã 2024-04-07 182913.png (60.82 KiB) Viewed 4568 times

VM Potato Config
Captura de ecrã 2024-04-07 183007.png
VMPotato Config
Captura de ecrã 2024-04-07 183007.png (204.26 KiB) Viewed 4568 times
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Re: Hermes Lite, Thetis, UMC 202HD, VM Potato and WSJT no audio

Postby w-u-2-o » Sun Apr 07, 2024 9:11 pm

Looks pretty good so far. First, a couple of clean up items:

- Remove the input selection assignments on Voicemeeter channel strips A1, A2 and A3 (the first three strips). We'll come back to that later.

- Remove all of the assignments on channel strip B3, marked "Voicemeeter VAIO3".

Now for step 2, getting WSJT-X setup and audio routed to it:

- Assign WSJT-X output to Voicemeeter Aux Input (this is channel strip B2, marked "Voicemeter Aux I").

- Assign WSJT-X input to Voicemeeter Out B2 (again this is channel strip B2). Don't you just hate how poorly these things are named?

- On channel strip B1 enable the B2 send button. This will send Thetis audio from B1 to B2 and thus from Thetis to WSJT-X.

- On channel strip B2 enable the B1 send button. This will send WSJT-X audio from B2 to B1 and thus from WSJT-X to Thetis.

Note that the volume control on the UMC202HD will not affect levels between Thetis and WJST-X.

Now you should be able to have WSJT-X work correctly for both transmit and receive. You may need to adjust the level going from Thetis to WSJT-X. You can do that in a number of places depending on your personal preferences: RX1 AF, VAC RX gain, or the slider in Voicemeeter.

Once you get that going post here and we'll move onto step 3, which would be setting up a microphone on the UMC202HD to transmit with, if that's something you'd like to do.
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Re: Hermes Lite, Thetis, UMC 202HD, VM Potato and WSJT no audio

Postby CT2IRY » Sun Apr 07, 2024 9:46 pm

Hi Scott,

Done, see below attachment's:

VM Potato - Thetis & WSJT-x (JTDX Improved) Audio
Captura de ecrã 2024-04-07 223509.png
VM Potato - Thetis & WSJT-x (JTDX Improved) Audio
Captura de ecrã 2024-04-07 223509.png (197.89 KiB) Viewed 4542 times

WSJT-x & JTDX Improved - Audio
Captura de ecrã 2024-04-07 223559.png
WSJT-x & JTDX Improved - Audio
Captura de ecrã 2024-04-07 223559.png (116.19 KiB) Viewed 4542 times

See if it's good, so far.

Sadly I don't have a microphone yet, awaiting for my Behringer B1 bundle to arrive.

But I'll bother you later when it arrives to help me configure it.

I see on your QRZ that you use DXLab, I use it too, from several years back,\.

We can configure the audio for Winwrabbler, if you;re willing to it, to do RTTY, CW, PSK

Next phase will be voice with DXlog for contesting.

If you can help me along the way.
Nuno, CT2IRY
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Re: Hermes Lite, Thetis, UMC 202HD, VM Potato and WSJT no audio

Postby w-u-2-o » Tue Apr 09, 2024 11:13 am


Now that you've apparently got WSJT-X working, the rest is easy. Voicemeeter will happily allow more than one application to share a channel strip if they are not using ASIO. Since none of the digi mode app's use ASIO, you can simply set them all up like WSJT-X and run them all on channel strip B2 at the same time.

If for some reason you wish to split them up a bit, you can assign some to channel strip B3, "Voicemeeter VAIO3" the same way you did it for B2. At this point you have probably achieved a good understanding of the send buttons in Voicemeeter, so don't forget to send audio from B1 to B3 and B3 to B1.


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Re: Hermes Lite, Thetis, UMC 202HD, VM Potato and WSJT no audio

Postby CT2IRY » Wed Apr 10, 2024 11:23 am

Hi Scott,

One thing that I notice, was that Thetis pass to Vaio3 but still works like is on strip B1, look at the attach
Captura de ecrã 2024-04-10 121644.png
Captura de ecrã 2024-04-10 121644.png (112.27 KiB) Viewed 4338 times

So for Winwrabler,
I just choose the Input as Voicemeeter AUX Input
And for output Voicemeeter Out B3
Then Send B1 to B3 and B3 to B1
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Re: Hermes Lite, Thetis, UMC 202HD, VM Potato and WSJT no audio

Postby w-u-2-o » Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:35 pm

CT2IRY wrote: So for Winwrabler,
I just choose the Input as Voicemeeter AUX Input
And for output Voicemeeter Out B3
Then Send B1 to B3 and B3 to B1

One mistake. If you wish to use strip B3 "Voicemeeter VAIO3" for Winwarbler then...

For input choose Voicemeeter VAIO3 Input.

The rest is correct.

However, as I posted above, remember that you can simply have all digi mode programs use B2, the same as WSJT-X.
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Re: Hermes Lite, Thetis, UMC 202HD, VM Potato and WSJT no audio

Postby CT2IRY » Wed Apr 10, 2024 3:31 pm

Thanks Scott,

Iºll try to make that, and post some screenshots here, to see if Iºm foolowinfg all ok, the names at VM are very confuse, they could simplify that.

If I can run all digital on the same line that aoulçd be good (I suppose that only one program at the time, if I want to run Winrabler for RTTY, I must close WSJT-x or JTDX or MSHV, and the opposite also).

But shouldn't be a problem that.
Nuno, CT2IRY
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Re: Hermes Lite, Thetis, UMC 202HD, VM Potato and WSJT no audio

Postby w-u-2-o » Wed Apr 10, 2024 5:47 pm

CT2IRY wrote:Thanks Scott,

If I can run all digital on the same line that aoulçd be good (I suppose that only one program at the time, if I want to run Winrabler for RTTY, I must close WSJT-x or JTDX or MSHV, and the opposite also).

From a purely audio perspective all these app's can run at the same time on the same Voicemeeter channel.

Obviously you will have to sort out any CAT connections as only so many are available for simultaneous use, but again that's not an audio issue.

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