New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

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New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby JJ4SDR » Mon Sep 19, 2022 10:06 pm


I am in the process of reviewing all the great info on using PS and look forward to enjoying a very clean transmission. Will need to review the level calculation discussion a bit more too.

Long story, but I have several amps and for PS I am going to use the RF2K-S SS full-legal limit PA that features 2 LDMOS transistors in the final stage. It also has a built-it RF coupler that provides an attenuated output of - 55 dB for use with PS. From what I see Scott writing, that may not be an "optimal" level of attenuation. Well, that - 55dB is a theoretical value any way.

Below, see a screen capture of two forms. Should you note something that is off or incorrect, let me know. NOTE: The "ATT on TX" setting is very high. I played with it several months ago as I thought that what I was seeing when DUP on the main GUI is set (I have it ON always) was a very wide TX bandwidth, but that is only "normal" and I think I will need to adjust it back to its default value (I don't recall what that value was). I see some of you have it set at 0. When "Rx BYPASS on TX" box is checked, the transmission looks completely different of course, no matter the ATT value so I guess I don't need to mess with that setting after all.

Form settings for PS.jpg
Form settings for PS.jpg (79.71 KiB) Viewed 16391 times

Q1: If I have understood the PS correctly, after I have gotten the PS working at max 1.5kW RF out, can I assume that linearity of the output from the amp will be equally good at 1kW or say 800W?
Q2: I also operate CW quite often and am wondering what kind of benefits I can expect on that mode? My thinking is that the benefits are more "clear-cut" when using wider bandwidth modes such as SSB, correct? I don't operate RTTY or FT8 for instance (might, in future).
Q3: S-ATT levels: I will need to re-read the discussions on the levels as I think that I need to be careful with this parameter and how to set it correctly.
Q4: I recall seeing Scott recommending that I should be hitting the ALC hard and that I should see "ALC Group" figures of 0dB on a consistent basis and perhaps even +3dB at times. This, to enable the PS to work well (Scott had a more expert and technical way of saying this). I also see someone else talking about having the meter set for MIC, with recommended figures to hit (max 0). Which of these 2 parameters should I go by and what are the pros & cons of using either?


Thetis version.jpg
Thetis version.jpg (10.38 KiB) Viewed 16391 times
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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby w9ac » Mon Sep 19, 2022 11:50 pm

Q1: If I have understood the PS correctly, after I have gotten the PS working at max 1.5kW RF out, can I assume that linearity of the output from the amp will be equally good at 1kW or say 800W?

Yes. RF-KIT's -55 dB coupler will be fine at high power and typical exciter-only power levels, depending on the RF-KIT's input pad installed during manufacturing. To comply with 47 CFR 97.317, the standard RF input pad for U.S. shipments is 13 dB. RF-KIT's LDMOS design has 31 dB of total post-attenuator power gain.

Q2: I also operate CW quite often and am wondering what kind of benefits I can expect on that mode? My thinking is that the benefits are more "clear-cut" when using wider bandwidth modes such as SSB, correct? I don't operate RTTY or FT8 for instance (might, in future).

CW operation will work fine with the RF-KIT amp, especially since it uses PIN diode T/R switching. Search Apache Community posts if you're a CW QSK operator. There's way too much to cover here in a single post.

Q3: S-ATT levels: I will need to re-read the discussions on the levels as I think that I need to be careful with this parameter and how to set it correctly.

S-ATT will track amplifier power automatically during transmit with the box checked as you've shown in the print screen.

Q4: I recall seeing Scott recommending that I should be hitting the ALC hard and that I should see "ALC Group" figures of 0dB on a consistent basis and perhaps even +3dB at times. This, to enable the PS to work well (Scott had a more expert and technical way of saying this). I also see someone else talking about having the meter set for MIC, with recommended figures to hit (max 0). Which of these 2 parameters should I go by and what are the pros & cons of using either?

For best PureSignal response, set MIC level to reach 0 dB and +3 dB on voice peaks. You'll want to look at one of the online video tutorials if you're interested in CFC audio processing. Additionally, it's worthwhile to read up on the ALC COMP and ALC GROUP meter settings and how they interact. You can conduct a forum search for these terms. Also, consider selecting the QUICK ATTENUATE RESPONSE checkbox in the LINEARITY drop-down menu at the top of Thetis.

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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby w-u-2-o » Tue Sep 20, 2022 12:35 pm

JJ4SDR wrote:Long story, but I have several amps and for PS I am going to use the RF2K-S SS full-legal limit PA that features 2 LDMOS transistors in the final stage. It also has a built-it RF coupler that provides an attenuated output of - 55 dB for use with PS. From what I see Scott writing, that may not be an "optimal" level of attenuation. Well, that - 55dB is a theoretical value any way.
Yeah, it's 5dB too much from an "optimal" perspective, but it'll be fine, it will work.

NOTE: The "ATT on TX" setting is very high. I played with it several months ago as I thought that what I was seeing when DUP on the main GUI is set (I have it ON always) was a very wide TX bandwidth, but that is only "normal" and I think I will need to adjust it back to its default value (I don't recall what that value was). I see some of you have it set at 0.
This will automatically change under control of the PureSignal "auto attenuate" feature. If you are not using PureSignal yet, or for some reason turned auto-attenuate off (don't!), then this will remain where you set it.

When "Rx BYPASS on TX" box is checked, the transmission looks completely different of course, no matter the ATT value so I guess I don't need to mess with that setting after all.
If you use the radio without the amp this will need to be turned off so that the radio will use the internal feedback coupler. When using the amp this should be turned on (and the amp coupler output attached to the Bypass connector). If you merely put the amp in standby you may still need to turn this off because a -55dB coupling factor is very high for 100W or less operation.

Q1: If I have understood the PS correctly, after I have gotten the PS working at max 1.5kW RF out, can I assume that linearity of the output from the amp will be equally good at 1kW or say 800W?
Maybe, maybe not. The amp should be more linear at lower power levels, but feedback SNR will also be lower thereby leading to some degradation in PureSignal performance. It may be an even trade with that amp, you'll have to tell us.

Q2: I also operate CW quite often and am wondering what kind of benefits I can expect on that mode? My thinking is that the benefits are more "clear-cut" when using wider bandwidth modes such as SSB, correct? I don't operate RTTY or FT8 for instance (might, in future).
There is no benefit to using PureSignal with CW. Since CW is a single-tone signal amplifier linearity does not come into play. Turn it off for CW.

The same is true for single-tone digital modes like FT8.

For multi-tone digital modes like VARA, Olivia, etc., PureSignal can be extremely helpful, but such modes do not work well with PureSignal's fully automatic mode. It is best to use Two Tone and the Single Cal button to set and lock-in a correction and then just let that ride.

Where PureSignal really shines is on phone modes. Put it into automatic mode and let it do its thing.

Q3: S-ATT levels: I will need to re-read the discussions on the levels as I think that I need to be careful with this parameter and how to set it correctly.
There is nothing to set. You are stuck with the -55dB coupler, which should generate safe feedback levels at 1500W, and you let the PureSignal auto-attenuate function take care of everything else.

Q4: I recall seeing Scott recommending that I should be hitting the ALC hard and that I should see "ALC Group" figures of 0dB on a consistent basis and perhaps even +3dB at times. This, to enable the PS to work well (Scott had a more expert and technical way of saying this). I also see someone else talking about having the meter set for MIC, with recommended figures to hit (max 0). Which of these 2 parameters should I go by and what are the pros & cons of using either?
I must disagree with Paul. Never exceed 0dB on any audio level reading anywhere in the front part of the audio chain. That includes Mic, EQ, and Leveler. Use the post-EQ level to gently allow seeing ALC Group levels as you have stated. Also go to Setup > DSP > AGC/ALC and set ALC Max Gain to 3dB.
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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby w9ac » Tue Sep 20, 2022 2:26 pm

"Q4: I recall seeing Scott recommending that I should be hitting the ALC hard and that I should see "ALC Group" figures of 0dB on a consistent basis and perhaps even +3dB at times. "

I agree with that correction: +3 dB peaks allowed on ALC Group with +3 dB Max Gain set in the AGC/ALC menu. NOT +3 dB peaks on the MIC meter. Keep that target set to 0 dB as Scott suggests.

I use a Urei 1176N peak limiter from the mic to control peaks into my USB sound interface device. It's not used as a compressor nor leveler. This maintains peaks on the MIC meter setting at or near 0 dB.

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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby JJ4SDR » Tue Sep 20, 2022 8:50 pm


I appreciate your responses.

I wonder when you got your RF2K amp? The reason I ask is that mine has a 10dB attenuator pad. I know from a good source that "10 dB is the first physical one, but an additional 5 dB and a 3 dB are switched in depending on band."

OK on ALC Group. Note that I do quite a bit of audio processing before the audio gets routed to the ANAN. Normally, a limiter is placed at the end of a chain, but I have mine before audio get fed into the ANAN (I am using, CFC and the Leveler only in the ANAN). This topic doesn't belong here so I will not go into details.

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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby JJ4SDR » Tue Sep 20, 2022 9:05 pm


Thank you for your detailed and well thought-out response. Below, a couple of follow-up questions.

My current “ATT on TX” setting (31dB)
“This will automatically change under control of the PureSignal "auto attenuate" feature. If you are not using PureSignal yet, or for some reason turned auto-attenuate off (don't!), then this will remain where you set it.”
**Which form do I use to turn “auto-attenuate” ON?
**So, when I am not using PS the "Rx BYPASS on TX" box needs to be UNCHECKED. I believe that’s the default setting.
It would be nice if the “Rx BYPASS on TX” would get checked automatically when one switches to the “PS” mode so that one doesn’t have to rely on one’s memory.

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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby w9ac » Tue Sep 20, 2022 9:27 pm


I have an RF-KIT on order. Delivery should be in 4-6 weeks.

I had to purchase the amp with no less than a 13 dB input pad but I'll be replacing it with 2 or 3 dB. My ANAN 7000DLE has been modified with an SMA RF relay that routes power from Orion to the RF-KIT amp. My goal is to reach 1KW in one step with minimal input padding.

Even though the RF-KIT amp has an internal -55dB coupler, I'll continue to use my own homebrewed couplers so that any one of several amps can be used with PureSignal.

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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby w-u-2-o » Tue Sep 20, 2022 10:08 pm

JJ4SDR wrote:My current “ATT on TX” setting (31dB)
“This will automatically change under control of the PureSignal "auto attenuate" feature. If you are not using PureSignal yet, or for some reason turned auto-attenuate off (don't!), then this will remain where you set it.”
**Which form do I use to turn “auto-attenuate” ON?
It is on by default. The setting can be found by clicking Linearity in the top menu bar. If you don't see it then click the Advanced button to open the full Linearity menu.

**So, when I am not using PS the "Rx BYPASS on TX" box needs to be UNCHECKED. I believe that’s the default setting.
That is incorrect, not what I wrote, and it is not the default setting AFAIK.

The Bypass on TX option has nothing to do with PS being on or off. It has to do with routing the feedback signal. When it is off RX1 always receives PS feedback from the internal coupler inside the ANAN. This configuration is used when there is no external amplifier or external coupler. To route the feedback signal from an external coupler to RX1 during TX this option needs to be on. So it needs to be set according to where the feedback signal needs to come from, internal or external coupler.
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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby JJ4SDR » Fri Sep 23, 2022 4:13 pm

Below, see Amp view from my very tests of Pure Signal. The meter is showing +3dB (+4dB VERY rarely) on peaks when I observe the "ALC Group" parameter. Can someone comment on the graphs? Seems like I will need to do some "tweaking" somewhere. I was putting out about 1kW (15 meter band). The second image - at bottom of page - is the Amp View is when I went on 17 meters (putting out almost full-legal limit). On 20 meters, I am not getting good enough feedback at all.

1st Amp View.jpg
1st Amp View.jpg (63.53 KiB) Viewed 16137 times

Q1: Do I need to carry out the two-tone calibration for every band that I operate the amp on?
Q2: Can I assume that once I have successfully conducted two-tone tests I don't need to redo any of it and just switch Pure Signal on from the main GUI?

2ndAmp View at almost full_legal limit 17m band.jpg
2ndAmp View at almost full_legal limit 17m band.jpg (62.53 KiB) Viewed 16137 times
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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby w-u-2-o » Fri Sep 23, 2022 7:44 pm

JJ4SDR wrote:Below, see Amp view from my very tests of Pure Signal. The meter is showing +3dB (+4dB VERY rarely) on peaks when I observe the "ALC Group" parameter.
That's perfect.
Can someone comment on the graphs? Seems like I will need to do some "tweaking" somewhere.
In general the characteristic S shape you are seeing is very good, very normal, and generally indicative of the normal non-linearity of the average amateur radio amplifier.

However, the data looks a little noisy.
On 20 meters, I am not getting good enough feedback at all.
The noisy data, combined with this statement, implies that something is not correct in your setup.

- Is auto-attenuate enabled?
- Is Atten on TX enabled?
- Is RF Bypass on TX enabled?
- Is the cable between the amp coupler output attached to the RF Bypass input?
- Are you seeing the Feedback and Pure Signal 2 indicators turn bright green as shown?

Capture.JPG (24.49 KiB) Viewed 16113 times

- MOST IMPORTANT: what are you seeing on the S-ATT display during TX?

Capture2.JPG (20.41 KiB) Viewed 16113 times

Q1: Do I need to carry out the two-tone calibration for every band that I operate the amp on?
No. PureSignal is automatic when the PS-A button is illuminated. Two-tone is only for testing, or for when you want to make a manual correction using the Single Cal method.
Q2: Can I assume that once I have successfully conducted two-tone tests I don't need to redo any of it and just switch Pure Signal on from the main GUI?
Once you are satisfied from testing that your configuration is correct and behavior is normal on all bands, you no longer need to do any testing using two-tone. However, two-tone remains valuable for testing drive levels. My typical work flow when switching to a new frequency is as follows:

1. Using the spectral display, select a clear frequency on or near the frequency I intend to work.
2. Use TUN to make the automatic antenna tuner adjust.
3. Use two-tone to check my drive level (see that the amp is driving to the desired power and not over max. power).
4. Turn on MON and make a test transmission (example: "WU2O testing out.") to check that audio is behaving itself.
5. Work the frequency.
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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby JJ4SDR » Fri Sep 23, 2022 8:40 pm


Thanks for your response.

To your 5 questions (under "Noisy data"), the answer is YES to all of them.
- Is auto-attenuate enabled?
- Is Atten on TX enabled?
- Is RF Bypass on TX enabled?
- Is the cable between the amp coupler output attached to the RF Bypass input?
- Are you seeing the Feedback and Pure Signal 2 indicators turn bright green as shown?

Went on 20 again and this time I let the 2-Tone test run for a little longer (took a bit longer than it did on 17 and 15). Both Feedback and Pure Signal2 were in the green with S-ATT reading saying 18 on that band.

The S-ATT reading says 17 (under AGC, it says "Med", not "Custom") when transmitting and Feedback and Correcting (Pure Signal2) are all green.

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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby w-u-2-o » Fri Sep 23, 2022 8:50 pm

18 dB is a perfectly acceptable step attenuator setting for PureSignal during TX. It sounds like it is all working perfectly and you are just getting used to how it works.

Assuming you were transmitting at 1500W, the 18 dB step attenuator setting arrived at by the auto attenuate implies a 55dB loss in the coupled path from the amp output, which is exactly what you would expect, so all is well. The math can be found here.

AGC is a receive setting (obvious, I hope!) and it's just incidental that it was shown in my screen shot. Set it to whatever works best for you.
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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby JJ4SDR » Fri Sep 23, 2022 9:31 pm

AGC: Yup.....I know. Don't know what got into me :lol:

I went on 20 meters and talked to a fellow told me I was +40dB/S-9 and had a Panadapter for visualizing my signal and when I switched the PS on and OFF he was blown away by how clean the TX looked.

Is there a way to ensure the Rx BYPASS on TX box gets checked automatically when using PS? I never had it checked prior to starting the use of PS.

Thanks again very much!

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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby w-u-2-o » Fri Sep 23, 2022 10:01 pm

JJ4SDR wrote:I went on 20 meters and talked to a fellow told me I was +40dB/S-9 and had a Panadapter for visualizing my signal and when I switched the PS on and OFF he was blown away by how clean the TX looked.
And that's the beauty of linearization. And that's why Apache/Thetis radios have the best sounding audio in amateur radio :)
Is there a way to ensure the Rx BYPASS on TX box gets checked automatically when using PS? I never had it checked prior to starting the use of PS.
Once it is checked and the database saved (by clicking Apply or by quitting Thetis), the state of that setting is maintained. Also, it is NOT associated with TX profiles. You should never have to mess with it unless you want to revert to barefoot operation.
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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby JJ4SDR » Sat Sep 24, 2022 1:55 am


I see, I need to export the database.

What I was hoping is that I would be able to have that box checked via different TX profiles, but you shot that down ;) . It's just that if I want to jump between PS ON and PS OFF I wouldn't want to switch the PS OFF using the main GUI and then also go into the form where the Rx BYPASS on Tx box is, to either check it or uncheck it.

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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby w-u-2-o » Sat Sep 24, 2022 2:10 am

You are worried about nothing. You can leave Bypass on TX enabled regardless of the state of PureSignal. It doesn't matter if the amp feedback comes in when you aren't using it. Just leave it alone unless you want to use PureSignal without the amp.
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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby JJ4SDR » Sat Sep 24, 2022 2:39 am

Well, that made it clear enough Scott :)
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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby Cesar » Sat Sep 24, 2022 9:50 am

Hello everyone,
I have a Murcury 3s amplifier, a 7000DLE blackface MKII latest version of FPGA, I wanted to use PS and I have a -55dbm coupler reading this post everything makes me think that the Coupler will not be valid, the use of the amplifier is normally around 700w peak.
Thank you
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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby w-u-2-o » Sat Sep 24, 2022 2:08 pm

Cesar wrote:Hello everyone,
I have a Murcury 3s amplifier, a 7000DLE blackface MKII latest version of FPGA, I wanted to use PS and I have a -55 dbm coupler reading this post everything makes me think that the Coupler will not be valid, the use of the amplifier is normally around 700 w peak.
Thank you
It will work fine. Your step attenuator should settle out right around 13 or 14 dB. Just because it's not optimum doesn't mean it won't work. PureSignal does really seem to struggle until one starts to see attenuator values around 6 dB, give or take.

There are three things driving coupling factor choices:

1. Achieving the best internal crosstalk performance inside the ANAN chassis. The internal design does not do a good job of suppressing crosstalk between the transmitted signal and the feedback signal. The larger the feedback signal the less any crosstalk affects performance.

Interesting historical note: the first ANAN to use PureSignal, the ANAN-100D, actually used the internal crosstalk as a coupler, it was that bad! Many people modified their 100D's to use a proper RF switch and coupler to get better performance. The newest ANAN models work much better than that, but it still helps to improve signal-to-crosstalk levels as much as possible.

2. Not exceeding a maximum safe input level of +13 dBm.

3. Leaving some dynamic range so that the amp can be run at lower power levels without having to change to a different coupler.

50 dB is the sweet spot for a 1500 W coupler for an Orion MKII based ANAN. It results in a max. feedback level of 11.8 dBm, which is comfortably near but not over 13 dBm. This will result in a step attenuator setting of 22 dB (approx.--find the math here). If we assume that 6 dB is a practical minimum step attenuator setting for PureSignal, this corresponds to an amplifier output level of 38 W. That's pretty good dynamic range. Note that this is all 6 dB different on older ANANs, see the math reference linked above for more info.

The 55 dB coupler everyone seems to be using (Elecraft claims 50 dB, good for them! But mine measures out at 55...) starts to restrict that dynamic range. Get much below 100W and you may or may not get good PS performance. Of course, below 100W you can use the ANAN by itself, put the amp in standby, and turn off Bypass on TX.
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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby Cesar » Sat Sep 24, 2022 2:31 pm

Thank you very much for the answer.

On the Apache, the sampler cable then plugs into the rear RX BayPass connector right...

I am with the account that it is there where it connects, but a colleague tells me that it is in EXT1

I already have doubts...
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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby w-u-2-o » Sat Sep 24, 2022 3:08 pm

Cesar wrote:On the Apache, the sampler cable then plugs into the rear RX BayPass connector right...

I am with the account that it is there where it connects, but a colleague tells me that it is in EXT1

I already have doubts...
Somewhere during the production of the ANAN-200D this changed. Older 100D and 200D models with Revision 15 or 16 RF boards used EXT1. Newer 200Ds and a very few 100Ds use the newer Revision 24 RF board and use Bypass for PureSignal.

It can be very confusing for 100D and 200D users to determine which revision board they have and therefore which connector to use, and both options are available in the setup menu. Just experimenting will show which connector generates the larger attenuation value and that will be the correct choice.

On all 7000 and Andromeda series units the answer is easy: Bypass. In fact, if you look at the setup menu, the only option available is Bypass on TX.

The 8000 is completely different. The hardware loops the internal PureSignal feedback path out the back panel. Remove the supplied jumper, terminate the PS Feedback (output from internal coupler) port, and apply the external coupler signal to the PS Input port. In setup there is no option for Bypass or EXT1 on TX at all. This is really kind of a cool option, because it would allow someone to put a switch there that they could control remotely, possibly even with the built-in OC outputs of the 8000. I don't know anyone who does this but it is definitely possible.
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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby JJ4SDR » Mon Sep 26, 2022 10:03 pm


If you think this discussion belongs in another sub-forum, please move it.

Pure Signal is a very effective and highly visual tool and I really like it. Using an RF2K-S solid state amplifier with my ANAN 7000 DLE MKII.

I am a little puzzled by what I am seeing on the 40 meter band vs. other bands (same multi-band antenna used on those bands). The same TX profile is used as well on both bands although I must admit that my audio chain likely contributes to the phase noise in particular as I am using both Plug-ins, CFC, TXEQ and the Leveler in the ANAN. I have switched out all plug-ins, one at a time to see if the phase noise goes away to no avail. Took the TXEQ off too. The other, narrower 3.3K TX profile does not have the TXEQ in it at all, only CFC and Leveler, but the plug-ins are not the same as in the wider 4K TX profile that may result in much more phase noise.

Switching over to another TX profile and operating on those same bands (40 & 17) I don't see much phase noise at all. The curves look more like they should when using the other - narrower - 3.3K TX profile.

Below, screen-captures. Even on 17, the Amp view looks a bit "funky", like there is noise Mag Amp and even more noise in the "Mag Amp" on 40 meters. The phase noise on 40 m was captured at the very first utterance of words into the mic with the noise becoming less pronounced after the first word into the mic.

Any suggestions on what else I could try would be appreciated.


Phase noise on 40 m.jpg
Phase noise on 40 m.jpg (62.15 KiB) Viewed 15944 times

Software used JUNE6_2022.jpg
Software used JUNE6_2022.jpg (7.66 KiB) Viewed 15944 times
Phase noise on 17 m.jpg
Phase noise on 17 m.jpg (63.87 KiB) Viewed 15944 times
PC: 8 Core i7-10700 CPU @ 2.90GHz, NVMe SK Hynix 512 GB SSD, 32GB RAM
Windows 10 Home, Version 22H2
Thetis v2.10.4.3 x64
Protocol 2 v2.1.18
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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby K1LSB » Tue Sep 27, 2022 12:20 am

What exactly are you seeing that you're referring to as "phase noise"?

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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby w-u-2-o » Tue Sep 27, 2022 1:51 am

JJ4SDR wrote:I am a little puzzled by what I am seeing on the 40 meter band vs. other bands (same multi-band antenna used on those bands).
There is nothing to be puzzled about. The linearity of the RF chain from the DAC output to the coupler in the amp can be different on every band. The curves you are seeing are quite typical and normal. You might not be driving the amp as hard as it will allow on 40M. Try a little more drive and see if the curve changes to an S-curve. If not, don't sweat it, either curve it totally fine and normal.

The same TX profile is used as well on both bands although I must admit that my audio chain likely contributes to the phase noise in particular as I am using both Plug-ins...
What you drive the RF chain with matters not at all as far as PureSignal is concerned. The only requirement is that it be driven over the full dynamic range of the DAC, i.e. from 0 drive to 0dB ALC, or all zeroes on the DAC input to all ones. Any TX profile that is driving over the full dynamic range of the DAC will result in the same curves as long as the RF drive settings have not changed. You will get the same curve with two-tone, although it may appear as a dotted line due to the characteristics of two-tone modulation. Any noise in the result is because the variability of human speech cannot be guaranteed to hit every spot on DAC dynamic range reliably. For TX profiles that are highly compressed you may see noisier results at the low end of the input magnitude range. Don't worry about it.

Below, screen-captures. Even on 17, the Amp view looks a bit "funky", like there is noise Mag Amp and even more noise in the "Mag Amp" on 40 meters. The phase noise on 40 m was captured at the very first utterance of words into the mic with the noise becoming less pronounced after the first word into the mic.
PS takes some time to settle back in on each transmission. Also, after the initial major settling period, with solid state amps you will see a second slow (several seconds) settling period as the FETs heat up, as they cool down quite quickly after each transmission.

Any suggestions on what else I could try would be appreciated.
There's really nothing else to "try". Those results are as good as they get. You are doing everything correctly.

Your desire to fully understand how this all works is laudable. The only other thing to experiment with is drive level, mostly so that you understand what it looks like to overdrive the amp. By all means turn up your drive and watch those curves. You will see the blue curve start to flatten out and try to become horizontal at the top right corner. This is bad and is indicative of overdriving the amp into strong compression. PS will fight you tooth and nail and it is really remarkable how much overdrive it will tolerate. You'll probably also see other distortions of the curve at that point. See where it starts to get ugly on each band and make a note of the drive level to stay under. These curves are a much more reliable way of knowing where you stand drive-wise than the wattmeter.

Do also read this topic: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=2862
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Re: New to PS Use (ANAN 7000 DLE MK2)

Postby JJ4SDR » Wed Sep 28, 2022 11:17 pm


I appreciate your response very much!

PC: 8 Core i7-10700 CPU @ 2.90GHz, NVMe SK Hynix 512 GB SSD, 32GB RAM
Windows 10 Home, Version 22H2
Thetis v2.10.4.3 x64
Protocol 2 v2.1.18

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