G2 with diplay using HDMI output

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G2 with diplay using HDMI output

Postby dl4zbg » Wed Oct 11, 2023 9:18 pm


now my G2 Saturn is running much better with piHPSDR. I am just asking myself whether ist is possible to duplicate the 7" screen to a monitor? Did anyone connect a separate Monitor to one of the HDMI outputs so far? Do I have to change any settings for that in the pi setup (e.g. preferences)?



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Re: G2 with diplay using HDMI output

Postby laurencebarker » Sun Oct 22, 2023 3:19 pm

I now have the same Waveshare display as is shipped with a G2, so I've been able to investigate this.

The HDMI output is not disabled by default. You can enable it by the following edits:

(please be careful - this file will be intolerant of errors!)

open a console window

type: sudo nano /boot/config.txt

find the 2 lines starting #hdmi_group=1

remove the hashes (which comment out the line) and make them read:

(that will enable hdmi output 1)
use ctrl-o to write the file (it will ask for confirmation) then ctrl-x to exit the editor

reboot: you should now have both displays
You will need to use preferences -> screen configuration to get them the way you want!
Laurence Barker G8NJJ
Posts: 172
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Re: G2 with diplay using HDMI output

Postby dl4zbg » Sun Oct 22, 2023 9:18 pm

Hi Laurence,

at startup I see the raspberry pi start screen only on HDMI, but only for a very short time. After that, I only see booting and starting of the application on the touchscreen, as before. HDMI monitor is not active any more (power save).Display->Preferences shows HDMI1. But I cannot select any submenues. I am using a monitor with dispay port input and use a converter cable. What I will check next is connecting a HDMI Monitor without converter cable.

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