Audio input routing when VAC is active

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Audio input routing when VAC is active

Postby wv5k » Thu Jul 20, 2017 2:42 pm

Morning All,

New Anan 200D owner. Had a Flex 5000A for nearly a decade before the Anan, so VERY familiar with Flex's version of PowerSDR.

I'm feeding my 200D everything via ethernet, and VAC (through a Focusrite 18i20). Mic plugged into 18i20 (needed for phantom power). Anan sees the mic via the Focusrite ASIO driver when VAC1 is enabled. Recently noticed that attempted OTA playback of recordings made via the software front panel buttons aren't played back OTA, radio keyed or not. This is a useful feature, used fairly frequently here in the past. Is it gone now, or I just have something misconfigured?

On a related note, anyone using a Focusrite 18i20 (2nd generation)? I'm having some driver issues too (but the Anan sees it via the ASIO driver mostly ok)....

TIA for any suggestions....


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Re: Audio input routing when VAC is active

Postby w-u-2-o » Thu Jul 20, 2017 3:26 pm

Hi Jim,

It seems like you are pretty comfortable with VAC, but you might find my VAC tutorial helpful.

I don't use the recording/playback features myself, but if memory serves, I think you need to have "Allow PTT to override VAC" selected. Or it might be "Allow MOX to override VAC". Heck, turn 'em all on temporarily and see what happens! :)

As for the stability of the Focusrite drivers, in my experience they have been pretty bad, particularly with certain DAWs like Pro Tools. Between Steinberg, Focusrite and Behringer, the Behringer drivers are by far the most stable and easiest to work with. Not that you should run right out and buy a new interface, but everyone that has taken my recommendation to by a Behringer UMC202HD has been pretty happy. The Behringer control panel gives you a great deal of control over the buffer size and latency mode of operation in the Behringer interface, and you can either just go conservative or work on whittling it down to what just barely works (lowest latency).


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Re: Audio input routing when VAC is active

Postby wv5k » Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:56 pm

Yes! PTT override needed to be enabled (I *am* using a hand PTT button after all ;-)). Just goes to show how long it's been since I needed to start from bare metal with PowerSDR.

I have several interfaces here, but as the shack's gear here has everything that needs a speaker routed through the 18i20's physical i/o panel to a 5.1 amp and speakers, I need more than a two channel interface. So far 17 of the 20 inputs are in use. And while Behringer seems to have done a good job with the UMC-202's drivers, I've had pretty much horrible luck with the rest of their gear when used in the environment for which they were designed for over the last 10+ years. I won't get started on any of those stories....

The problem I'm having with the Focusrite is their own software mixer can't find the interface. And I really like their preamps over all the other cheap interfaces I've tried. My DAW (Mixbus) finds it via the ASIO driver ok, and has no problem operating the Anan, other than writing preference settings back to the Focusrite hardware's EEPROM, so for instance, the monitors aren't routed through the DAW monitoring facilities, stays set.

Mixbus has the ability to do this, but deciphering their channel numbering scheme is proving to be a pain. Sooo, I would still like to compare notes with anyone using any of the larger Focusrite interfaces. If you know of any, please steer them my way. BTW, Voice Meeter Banana is not used at all here, as it doesn't seem to be necessary...

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Re: Audio input routing when VAC is active

Postby w-u-2-o » Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:21 pm

You are a man after my heart, Jim! DAWS, multi-channel interfaces, the works! :)

How is it that you don't need VMB? I'm guessing that that particular Focusrite allows you to intercept the audio from PowerSDR that is being sent to the Focusrite and throw it into the DAW?

If you want to fully divorce yourself from radio connections, other than Ethernet, see the part in my VAC tutorial about using a serial port on your PC to accept a PTT switch.


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Re: Audio input routing when VAC is active

Postby wv5k » Fri Jul 21, 2017 3:25 pm

Hello Scott,

Yes, just as you surmise, PowerSDR just "saw" the Focusrite ASIO driver (not sure if it's 18i20 2nd Gen specific though) the first time I powered it all up, with output audio just working. Took a little bit to figure out that the MIC and preamp controls were useless going this route of course. And as Mixbus is a FULL-featured DAW, has a good visual routing map graphic, and all the glue for plugins, etc is already there. So I've not seen the need yet for VMB here. Mixbus is a bit on the huge size though, especially with the more capable plug-ins. I've been using it for studio work under Linux for a couple of decades now, and so the choice was a no-brainer for me. May try the simpler route in the future, as latency is a still a small issue if I want to monitor mic output to the Anan. I can live with it right now, but there's nearly always room for improvement, no?

No need for a reply, unless you just want to.... ;-) Thanks for the swift suggestion about PTT...

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Re: Audio input routing when VAC is active

Postby w-u-2-o » Fri Jul 21, 2017 4:51 pm

Hi Jim,

Well, that's very interesting that the big Focusrite can route the audio from PowerSDR into Mixbus for you, and then get it back out. With Pro Tools I have to use VMB as a "patch panel" to get that done and stay within the ASIO domain.

Lately I've concentrated on moving all of my audio processing back into PowerSDR, using the new pre/post EQ, CFC and phase rotator features, as well as shamelessly using the ALC as a compressor/limiter, too. Stay away from COMP and CESSB--they sound horrible. I'd conservatively estimate that I've replicated some 85% of my "sound" compared to the complex processing I've used in Pro Tools.

Right now I'm only using Pro Tools to match my mics (mic EQ) and as a big mixing board. I push all of my transmit and receive audio around with it (using VMB as the patch panel) and can quickly go from phone to digital, route my audio out to OBS for live web streaming, recording/playback, etc.


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Re: Audio input routing when VAC is active

Postby AJ5O » Fri Oct 06, 2017 5:51 pm

w-u-2-o wrote:
If you want to fully divorce yourself from radio connections, other than Ethernet, see the part in my VAC tutorial about using a serial port on your PC to accept a PTT switch.

I know I'm bumping an old post but how did you do this Scott? I need a way to key my radio besides using the space bar :roll:
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Re: Audio input routing when VAC is active

Postby w-u-2-o » Fri Oct 06, 2017 7:03 pm

Did you read the tutorial? Hyperlinked in the second post of this topic. Click, read, probably best to start a new topic in the PowerSDR sub-forum if you still have questions.


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Re: Audio input routing when VAC is active

Postby AJ5O » Fri Oct 06, 2017 7:10 pm

Well I tried but it said the website is down.
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Re: Audio input routing when VAC is active

Postby w-u-2-o » Fri Oct 06, 2017 8:50 pm

Try again. It's up and been up. Just tried it, and it's still up.
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Re: Audio input routing when VAC is active

Postby w-u-2-o » Fri Oct 06, 2017 8:51 pm

And it's up per third party "is it down" websites, also.

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