P2 status, and no more builds for at least two weeks

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P2 status, and no more builds for at least two weeks

Postby w-u-2-o » Thu Apr 18, 2019 4:57 pm

First of all, a big "Thank you" to everyone who has been testing and reporting on their results. It seems that Hermes 10.7 has about a 75% success rate, meaning it runs on about 75% of the hardware it is tried on. For Angelia 12.0 it's also about 75%. Orion 1.8 and Orion MK II, which have had a lot more testing, are hitting about 90%. This is a tremendous accomplishment in a very short time and we have Rick, N1GP, to thank for it!

The numbers above may be artificially low and that as more people try things these the numbers will increase. The biggest remaining challenge seems to be to get a handle on FPGA-PHY signal timing and alignment. Once this is figured out a bit better then success rates should near 100%. Also, although it seems like only 5 people on the planet with Angelias and another 5 people with 16-bit Hermes have actually tried P2, so far there has only been a single report of an F3 PTC overload (on a Hermes), which is very promising.

Doug has also made huge strides with Thetis bug fixes. Expect a 2.6.5 release soon with most of the reported critical bugs fixed except for the "comma" problem. The comma issue will, I hope, be fixed in 2.6.6.

Rick and I are both very busy with family and business for the next two weeks. Therefore you can be certain that there will be no more firmware revisions until then ;)



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