G2 no ATU?

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G2 no ATU?

Postby WM7C » Tue Sep 05, 2023 8:38 pm

I sold my Flex and intended to order a G2 100 watt no display radio. I don’t see an ATU option on mention of a tuner. The lack of a built in tuner is now making me wonder about ordering. I had a Flex with no ATU before and had to get an external tuner. I would prefer an internal tuner. Also, I’ve not found any reviews, or videos on the G2.

I do have a Hermes Lite 2 and that is also why I wanted to go with an Anan. I’ll assume that an external tuner would work fine.

Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated. Thank you.
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Re: G2 no ATU?

Postby w-u-2-o » Tue Sep 05, 2023 9:17 pm

While there are some rumors of an ATU, and there is apparently a design on the books, but it seems very unlikely we'll see that go into production any time soon. The G2 will work just fine with an external tuner, although there are no provisions for full integration with an ATU so you have to run the ATU in fully automatic mode and manually run the TUN control

I use both an MFJ-998RT and the ATU in my KPA1500 with my ANAN-8000DLE with no problems.

The HL2 is a great way to start down this rabbit hole ;) It's only real downside is the 12-bit ADC. Once you get into a 16-bit ADC radio receiver such as in the 7000, 8000 or G2 you won't want to go back.
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Re: G2 no ATU?

Postby KI4P » Tue Sep 05, 2023 10:41 pm

WM7C wrote:I sold my Flex and intended to order a G2 100 watt no display radio. I don’t see an ATU option on mention of a tuner. The lack of a built in tuner is now making me wonder about ordering. I had a Flex with no ATU before and had to get an external tuner. I would prefer an internal tuner. Also, I’ve not found any reviews, or videos on the G2.

I do have a Hermes Lite 2 and that is also why I wanted to go with an Anan. I’ll assume that an external tuner would work fine.

Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated. Thank you.

Well, I had and still have my 6400 with tuner, never used the internal tuner, always used external tuner, especially if you run an Amp. I bought the G2 and am well pleased with it. Wouldn't go back for nothing, is a little learning curve though, but you will like it.
Richard - KI4P
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Re: G2 no ATU?

Postby Mark C » Mon Sep 11, 2023 10:06 pm

Hi Scott

I have the Palstar AT2K manual tuner hooked up to my G2 and it works fantastic, no issues what so ever.

Good luck and 73

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Re: G2 no ATU?

Postby rbduck » Tue Sep 12, 2023 4:11 pm

I use a Palstar HF-Auto with my 7000. There is a related app that you can use that will manually, semi-auto, or fully automate the tuning process. What I like are the unlimited memories it provides for frequency tuning spots on an unlimited number of antennas. It's called HF-Auto Server. I've been using it for four years. The only limitation is you have to be able to understand the structure and how to edit an .ini file. I use this to configure bands and antennas. Since all information is kept in files on a PC, you can literally have a tuning memory for every frequency. You can save memories you want manually or it can save memories automatically. It also does an an outstanding job of tuning interpolation between the saved frequencies. The developer of this software has been kind enough to share it freely, There are regular updates, new features and the author provides tech support on the official Palstar forum. I offer this as another formidable option! The forum is located here: https://groups.io/g/hf-auto
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Re: G2 no ATU?

Postby WM7C » Wed Sep 20, 2023 11:41 pm

Thanks for the replies. I should have kept my old LDG AT-200ProII. I do not have an amp and do not plan to get one for a least a few years. My ground mounted vertical is probably 10 feet from me outside my back wall. I can see it through a window 3 feet from me.

Anyway, I was looking for autosense 100 watt tuners, but most are capped at 30 watts digital, which is not that big of a deal.

Ideally, I would like an RF sensing quiet tuner for 80-6 that handles 50 watts digital. I suppose a higher power wouldn't hurt. I might just pick up the AT-200ProII again.

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