piHPSDR with G2 with display - Transverters

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piHPSDR with G2 with display - Transverters

Postby dl4zbg » Mon Sep 25, 2023 9:17 pm


it is possible to create transverter bands in piHPSDR similar to Thetis. BUT I did not succeed in switching to these band, you see the buttons in the "Band" menu, but you cannot activate them.

- is this a future option?
- do I have to make manual entries somewhere in some kinda "configuration" file?
- and then, how is the RX routing (band filter selection) done?

sorry for this bunch of questions


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Re: piHPSDR with G2 with display - Transverters

Postby dl4zbg » Sat Sep 30, 2023 7:56 am


in version 9/29 of piHPSDR transverter bands can be activated, but the RX routing (selection in ANT menue) to the xvert input does not work and the selection is not stored as well.


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Re: piHPSDR with G2 with display - Transverters

Postby dl4zbg » Sun Oct 08, 2023 10:06 pm


in version 2023/10/04 transverters work (thanks to DL1YCF).
I have been configuring my 3 transverters for

144/14 HA1YA
432/28 homebrew
1296/52 DB6NT

Very important is the value of PA gain in order to get a clean output signal. For 0dBm at 14 and 28 the value is about 70.7 and for 52 it is slightly lower. IM3 better than 50dBc.

The only thing that is missing now (available in Thetis and PowerSDR mRX) is the Transverter RX Gain correction.


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Re: piHPSDR with G2 with display - Transverters

Postby dl4zbg » Thu Apr 04, 2024 1:20 pm

Transverter RX Gain has been added in January 2024.

TNX again


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